inventions, tracking valuable animals

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
tracking valuable animals

this is a link to a site that followed the new 3g iphone from apple.  steve jobs showed a car going down the squiggly street in SF called lombard steet.

i'm thinking it should be real easy to make an ear tag that should be able to do this.  i'm thinking you should be able to trace a pasture using google maps or something, and if the transponder goes out of the square, you get an email or phone message.

we do this for our robots if there is an error.  shouldn't be too much trouble.  would anyone purchase something like this?


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2007
Rice TX
You can already do this but the battery life is an issue. Plus someone could just remove the ear tag. There is supposed to be a bolus pill out there that is a GPS tracking device that will last for a couple weeks at a time. I am looking into to this for when I go to shows.

I already have made a box with a wireless internet camera that I can setup and lock next to tied up animals. It uses a wireless mobile broadband card to have access to the internet, problem is a the power source can be tampered with, but atleast I can keep an eye on them prior to tampering. I have also built another device that can placed in a trailer that can be tracked via GPS and supports video and other important data.

I am thinking about starting a business to build and install the devices. The cool thing is that you can be anywhere you want and still have visual contact of your animals and property.

I am open to ideas on what everyone would want to see in monitoring (places, tracking, temperature, oxygen levels, etc....)


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
Problem is to be really practical you'd need them on every in animal in a pasture.  Every once in a while I hear of someone stealing a whole group, but usually its just a handful so they aren't noticed as quickly.

This isn't new to anyone, but we're installing cameras at our barn and cow lot this summer to aid us in watching heifers calve plus for security purposes.  We're going to use a hard wire connection to my house computer though that will then tie into our web page so that we can check them anywhere - including my PDA.  At least that's how its supposed to work.