Irrational fears

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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
justintime said:
I have never saw anything move as fast as Elmer did as he came backwards out of the silo.
This reminds of a time I moved fast. I didn't include snakes in my irrational fears because being afraid of snakes seems quite rational to me. Anyways years ago(1973 to be exact) I was working with Cecil Staples out in eastern Alberta not that far from the Saskatchewan border. We were cleaning out a creep feeder at one of the lease pastures. It was 640 acre pasture where we could run 25 to 30 pairs depending on the year. The area is semi desert. Anyway I had to crawl through a small opening at the top to get in and it took me about 5 minutes to drag myself in. I no sooner got in than I saw what had looked like a small mound start to uncoil and a rattle snake had lifted it's head and was staring at me. I don't remember getting back out but it took about 5 seconds. Cecil could hardly stand up he was laughing so hard. That area had quite a few rattle snakes and a couple of types of small cactus that actually live through the cold winters.


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
...Sad I know, but Warts, no not the normal round ones but the ones with the nasty looking tentacles sticking out of them they just freak me out,...

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
Frosty you will appreciate the this story. When I was going to grad school many times I had to be up at 4-5am to make a long drive. I always poured a big cup of coffee and sat in my holder before I took off. Well it was fall and I had left my windows down. I am on the interstate run about 75-80. I went to take a drink of coffee and a grass hopper had fell in the cup and he grabbed my lip and held on. Scared the bejeezze out of me. I about ran off the interstate and lost most of my coffee.

I have a fear of sharks- ocean. I vacation sometimes in Miami and like to boat on the channels and the bay. I can't bring myself to go beyond the bay. I saw bull shark in the bay and I thought I was going to die on the spot. I do'nt like the ocean like LInz you can't see what's down there.

I also do not like CLOWNS. They scare me to death. no dolls or pictures or clowns themselves. Something creepy about them with that mask of make up. I know what a siss.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
EEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW. That gave me the willys just thinking of that. I usually dont have a mug or cup in a vehicle and that is a reason why. I always pay extra for a bottle that I can keep a lid on. I will continue that so that never happens. AAAAAAAAHhhhhhhhh If I have bad dreams tonight because of that story I will be calling you.


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2008
CLOWNS. I have always been afraid of them and will hide behind whoever is around me to get away from them. I once went to a haunted house that had some really creepy looking clowns that were chasing people around and cornering them. I probably would have died if they had done it to me.

I sort of have a fear of being alone, too (which doesn't make much sense when I also hate large crowds).
