Item gone

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Sep 10, 2007
I would like to thank the people that stole our double blowers that were on a stand with the large hose today from the tie out barn at the Iowa Beef Expo.  We were loading up our equipment and calves and someone walked away with $1000 of our equipment.  I hope you enjoy taking 4 kid's items that they have purchased over the last few years with their own money and now have to try and come up with that much money again to purchase the items that are MISSING to continue to show.  So thanks and I hope you enjoy them.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2010
We were at the expo this weekend also.  I have to admit I always thought something like this would not happen in Iowa!!!  We have honest people, NOT!!

Our friends had their neck tie stolen Friday morning, another friend lost their bucket in the tie out barn; they were putting their calf away came back and their bucket was gone. They were gone maybe 2 minutes.

My husband came this am to the tie out barn and our heifer had no halter on, just a neck tie.  Someone must have needed a halter pretty bad to take it off our heifer.  It was just a plain black one on top of it.

We have to save for weeks to come show and work hard for all of the supplies and having someone steal is pretty sad.....


Well-known member
Mar 9, 2008
Greenfield OH
It's a sad time when the community of cattle people can no longer be trusted.  The "good old days" of looking out for one another,  support of each other's families/kids, and friendly competition are very compromised these days.  Many people are looking for money in any way they can get it, and frankly don't care about honesty and integrity.

There is simply no way to lock down the countless items (some very expensive) used as we groom, show, get to the ring, unload and re-load trailers, etc.  I still think the best defense is to spray paint the valuable stuff with very visible and unique colors/patterns.  The thieves will most likely pass by your stuff for easier to "move" or use items.  They are, at least, usually lazy and not willing to work around your easily identified stuff.

I hope you can recover your loss.



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2010
SW Iowa
Sorry to hear about everyone's losses over the Jr. weekend at the Iowa Beef Expo.  I was there earlier in the week during Shorthorns and several of the breeders were commenting on how this was the "nice" time when the breeds are there and most things would be safe.  I didn't hardly believe them because after all this is Iowa.....
They commented on when the weekend came you would have to bolt everything down and post a guard.  I didn't realize the Jr. shows are so bad. 
Sorry Jrs. -- I am kind of glad I don't have a Jr. going to any of this stuff and have to worry about equipment. 
We have had some interesting thefts around the country in my county over the winter-- people stealing steel gates right out of the fields, etc.  I guess people are desparate-- but there definitely is less respect for other people's stuff as time goes on.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2010
harleyhog said:
We were at the expo this weekend also.  I have to admit I always thought something like this would not happen in Iowa!!!  We have honest people, NOT!!

Our friends had their neck tie stolen Friday morning, another friend lost their bucket in the tie out barn; they were putting their calf away came back and their bucket was gone. They were gone maybe 2 minutes.

My husband came this am to the tie out barn and our heifer had no halter on, just a neck tie.  Someone must have needed a halter pretty bad to take it off our heifer.  It was just a plain black one on top of it.

We have to save for weeks to come show and work hard for all of the supplies and having someone steal is pretty sad.....


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2008
It sucks hearing stories like these! It suck we have to lock our things up..even if its only for 2 mins.

PaFFA Proud

Well-known member
Oct 28, 2010
woww that stinks, why cant people just be good and keep their hands off peoples stuff. Guess I better keep an eye on my equipment at my Expo in  few weeks especially since I am borowing a blower from my steers breeders. :eek:


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
lay a trap.  might be some fun.  do a research project and see how far people need to be for people to steal stuff.  if they are exhibitor's, get a rule in place for grievances that anyone caught stealing will lose their placings maybe the entire club if they are in a group.  if it's someone else, well, that ought to be fun as well.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2010


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Active member
Oct 27, 2008
Put your name on everything in a manner that is not easily removable. It may help deter the theft or possibly help in the recovery.


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2010
Denison, Kansas
Ya' know, over the years we have heard about this sort of thing happening all over. I have come up short a neck rope now and again and combs, that is maybe the kids leaving them lay around at other stalls, BUT a double blower is another thing. I would be livid at the best and it doesn't mater if the farm insurance would cover it. It is the idea!
Someone who has the b*lls to do such has the b*lls to do much more and those same people are the ones that are cheating on about everything. It would not surprise me if they are not reading these blogs. They might not open this one again because they know who we are all talking about. I am sure it was not the kids that stole this but maybe the parents. Shame, shame. I am sure the kids would be proud if they knew it all.
NOW, everytime you go to the barn and want to use your "new" double blower, think about it.
I left this blog set for a couple days now but was compeled to call my sister and ask her to put the biggest spell on these people that she felt she could muster, after all she is a witch. When the people and or person that took this go to calving, get their crops hailed out, the roof on their house starts leaking or basement floods, they run into a tree with the good pickup not the ole farm pasture beater, it is just payment for the stolen blowers. Best of luck there thiefs!


Sep 10, 2007
Thanks to everyone that responded to my original post.  As you can tell from by bio I have been a member since 07 and have only posted 4 times so when I post something I usually have a good reason.  It is sad we can't go and enjoy what all of us like to do but now we have to worry if we will still go home with what we came with.  I understand that EVERYTHING is getting more expensive all the time.  But thanks to a few people it is even more expensive because of all the things each of us has to replace after shows from various responses that people have lost at shows.  I did check with my insurance company and as most of you know insurance is also very expensive and to make it affordable we have a large deductable so we are still out.  I was very upset when this happened.  I looked up and down every isle of the barns hoping someone borrowed it and couldn't find it.  That is why I posted this to remind the people that are honest out there to watch their items.  I am still sick over this.  Not for me but for my kids that will try to replace the blowers over the next few months when they get enough money.  Because this is their project.  I will help when I can.  Again thanks and watch your stuff I learned the hard way.


Sep 10, 2007
By the way.  If anyone has a couple of blowers they would like to sale let me know as we can maybe afford some used ones right now.  Thanks