I have a good friend that is a lineman on an electric crew.....he goes out in all weather, many times when no one else will. He moved here from out east without knowing a single person, but he said the first time he went out in nasty weather the owner came out with a cup of coffee, a brownie and said "thank you". He was in disbelief when he said, "You know, the food and drink was really uncalled for but nice. All they really needed to do was say Thank You. We appreciate it." He said you could never imagine how many times they are yelled at, cursed at, and given rude gestures when they are working 24 hours in bad weather (he recently pulled at 26 hour day, then slept for 12, went back for another 12).
So, please, if at all possible, go up to them (stay a safe distance from lines of course!) and say "thank you for your hard work." You have no idea what it will mean to them!!! (clapping)