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Karma is a b

New member
Jun 8, 2011
You are correct I did make this account soley to reply to this post. I think it's one thing when kids are the upset about the results of a show that they but hard work into, however when parents get involved and start talking about someone else's kid it's not ok. My momma bear comes out when parents go after kids


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2011
ive seen someone elses kids get yelled at by someone it didnt turn out good and i realy dont think that parents should get involved set a good example for your own kid and just say maybe we can try harder next time


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2011
Manitoba, Canada
A lot of kids try really hard but there can only be one winner. If your kid put in a good effort and is not placed very well just remind them that , its one man's opinion on show day, you can still be proud of the work you did even if your dead last. ITS NOT ABOUT WINNING


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2008
Karma is a b said:
You are correct I did make this account soley to reply to this post. I think it's one thing when kids are the upset about the results of a show that they but hard work into, however when parents get involved and start talking about someone else's kid it's not ok. My momma bear comes out when parents go after kids


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2010
I found that my parents allowed my cup to be half full no matter what happened.  Whether I had the conventional  Champion or was Champion dead @$$ last.  As long as you are proud of your animal and the effort it should be rewarding to show them off.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
south webster ohio
Karma is a b said:
You are correct I did make this account soley to reply to this post. I think it's one thing when kids are the upset about the results of a show that they but hard work into, however when parents get involved and start talking about someone else's kid it's not ok. My momma bear comes out when parents go after kids

Don't bring yo dawg yo into this. People will have their minds blown...


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
I guess I don't agree with the theory showmanship isn't about winning, are you always going to win, NO, showmanship is about doing your best at presenting your animal for a judge and if that isn't about winning I don't know what is.  
What I can't tolerate is the kids that come out of the show ring in tears because they have lost or the parents that get on a chat board and rip apart a kid or a parent or a judge for that matter, life isn't fair, you are going to win some you didn't deserve to win, you are going to get dumped sometimes when you should have won, there are going to be judges that just don't like the type of showman your kid is, hopefully it doesn't happen on the day they do the best they have ever done, but you just can't control what goes on in the showring and if you can't accept it you need to find a new hobby!@


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2008
9605 weston rd custar, ohio 43511
Jill, not to stir the pot too hard, but I get the feeling that your words come from someone whose children have done well, won ribbons and may have that hard to identify advantage of being on the right side of show ring politics.  Maybe not, if so I appologize, however let me speak from the position of the family who seems to be not show ring politically connected, it is unbelievably difficult to stand ring side and watch your child put their heart and soul into showing and consistently not get a look because they are a "nobody"  who doesn't hire pro fitters, doesn't spend $5000+ for a county fair calf- when based on 40+ yrs of cattle experience you know in your heart the your childs calf or showing should get the prize.  Until someone has the guts to stand up and call out to all the public and LOUDLY name names of judges who let politics or personal profit sway their decisions unfortunately this won't change. Furthermore until other parents are willing to speak up, myself included, to that idiot parent who rips his  child for "screwing up in the show ring" that ugliness  will also not change.  Overall maybe it is possible that we didn't work hard enough, didn't make that perfect mating decision, were way to good at finding calves and writing down the correct birth dates, or didn't pay enough to buy the best calf and judge money could buy-if so thats our fault.  I just not too sure that in the end a "nobody" really has a chance without a big checkbook or magic calendar


Well-known member
May 6, 2007
I hope Jill doesn't get mad at me for sticking up for her. I know her family and yes they are very successful but they also work extremely hard with their animals. I also know that they don't spend a ton on what they buy, but they also have raised some outstanding animals. I have a ton of respect for her and her family and how they have gone about being so successful. Politics are everywhere in life, the showring is just one more place. Getting connected is not always about spending the most money but purchasing and creating a bond with the producer who stands behind their cattle. Most breeders want their animals to be successful so ask them to come clip or fit the animals you got from them, if they are close. You will find most will do this for free or at a reduced rate because when you win they win. Start small and keep shaking hands with everyone you meet and eventually the network you build will surprise you. My family hasn't shown cattle in 5 years but I am confident I could find a animal that could compete anywhere at a pretty reasonable price tomorrow if I needed to. Not because we spend big money but because these breeders are my friends and they know I will do everything in my power to make it look its best.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar
redwingfarm said:
someone whose children have done well, won ribbons and may have that hard to identify advantage of being on the right side of show ring politics. 

This family is indeed on the right side due to a ton of hard work, hard knocks, and years of experience.  I don't know when they started, but I can remember them back to 1996. 

I just not too sure that in the end a "nobody" really has a chance without a big checkbook or magic calendar

We all start this Show Business as a "nobody".  I have noticed that those who never take the leap to go beyond Local/ County Shows, never seem to advance, regardless of how much money they throw into the ring.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2011
Manitoba, Canada
I think I have been misread. It is not about winning in the end. Yes, showmanship is about being the best at showing the animal. I agree. But kids need to be taught that you need to work hard from the day that you pick the animal to the the day you go in the show ring. The show is the place where you show off your hard work. And yes, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but you can't be a good winner unless your a good loser as well. On that day, at that particular moment, its judge's choice. Doesn't mean your effort those 10 months before wasn't worth it. I want my boys to able to walk in a showring, have the best calf, place where ever and walk out saying"today was not my day"  or "aw shucks, I don't know if my calf was that good". Last year my kid one reserve grand at our local fair. It was his first year, someone came up to him and said "you sure won a lot of ribbons" (he placed second in showmanship) and he said"Iwon only this one, my steer won the rest"  I have spent a good part of my life in dairy and beef shows. Our family placed last lots! We were in the bottom 1/2 way more than the top 1/2. We were nobodies and we couldn't afford the expensive fitters etc. But we always enjoyed our selves. And there were many times we disagreed with the judges. (if the guy is 1/2 liquored up because he had lunch with his buddies in the barn you know how the show is gonna go before it starts) If the enviroment is that intense that parents are yellin at kids and all that jazz, then the kids have been forgotten. Isn't that why they are showing in the first place? Kinda like crazy soccer moms and dads... is that really what we want to teach our kids?  I agree that the politics suck, but here is an awesome oppurtunity to teach kids what life is like in the real world. You don't think its hard for the kids who always win? The amount of pressure they must be under! And if their parents are a bunch of crazies you know that kid is in a lot worse place than the one who places last and can talk to his parents about his experience.
Its not about winning


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2010
Well, we have been on both sides of the fence. My youngest son was an OK showman but my oldest son was one of the best you could find in any age division. We always showed clubby steers and heifers but one year I decided to buy each of them a "Breed Heifer".  We bought them from a well known herd in the area, owned by a man who was a well respected judge of all breeds of cattle both steers and breeding cattle in the nation. We went to our state fair entered up in the breeding classes and showmanship. My oldest son placed fourth in showmanship. I knew in my own mind he should have won it but we weren't a "NAME" in their breed. Can't do anything about it I thought. After the show many of the open show exhibitors came up to him and told him they didn't agree with the judge and ask him if they needed an additional showman if he would show for them. He ended up showing the Champion Bull Calf in the Grand Drive for one of the breeders. Sometimes he who laughs last laughs hardest. (thumbsup) 


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
under the X in Texas
Well said, I agree.. (clapping)

Jill said:
I guess I don't agree with the theory showmanship isn't about winning, are you always going to win, NO, showmanship is about doing your best at presenting your animal for a judge and if that isn't about winning I don't know what is.  
What I can't tolerate is the kids that come out of the show ring in tears because they have lost or the parents that get on a chat board and rip apart a kid or a parent or a judge for that matter, life isn't fair, you are going to win some you didn't deserve to win, you are going to get dumped sometimes when you should have won, there are going to be judges that just don't like the type of showman your kid is, hopefully it doesn't happen on the day they do the best they have ever done, but you just can't control what goes on in the showring and if you can't accept it you need to find a new hobby!@
Feb 6, 2010
This is an ongoing saga of the show ring.  Having judged all over the country, including many national , state and local shows one thing remains constant in my opinion and it comes down to this fact. 

The kids/families/ag teacher/cea's that work the hardest usually come out on top.  This applies to the specific class or showmanship.  It is uncommon for any judge that is reputable and popular not to know someone who is exhibiting cattle.  Face recognition through publications, recognition of ear tags, brands, fitters, etc.  The philosophy I have taken on evaluating these so called elite exhibitors or advanced exhibitors is that they must perform flawlessly without fail during the showmanship class as well as their specific weight or breed class.  There is added expectations upon them in my opinion.  Many of you try to teach showmanship at the show, thats absolutely the wrong place.  It starts at home, just like being a good role model, or teaching manners and values.  I used to be the dad that would cuss, yell and scream at my daughter because she was doing something wrong in the ring and then wonder why she was in tears because she didnt win.  I was the problem, not her.  Out of control for a damn buckle.  When she was about 15 I had a buddy who told me to lay off, it pissed me off, but I just sat back and watched her show, needless to say, she won the buckle, I was humbled and knew she didnt need me screaming at her.  Luckily, I stopped before I ruined her spirit and our relationship.  More times than not an outside party helping your kids with showmanship is much more successful than trying to do it yourself, the frustration level is diminished and your kids are not worried about getting their ass chewed.  The families that make this a priority are going to be successful, they work hard, they play the game, they do all the little things, they stay late and rise early.  They are dedicated and if they get beat they work harder.  the families that always cry foul,are the ones that half ass everything.  Showmanship is the entire package for us, selection, feeding, hair care, knowldge about the breed and the calf, knowledge about the industry as a whole and ultimately your ability to stick that calf to the best of your ability.  Anyone that thinks showmanship is about a one time 10 minute display in the ring is a fool.  The kid that puts it all together and can professionally present themselves, their calf and communicate effectively about his calf and the industry as a whole is going to be my winner every time. I could give a rip if he has the best hair, a big name breeder tag in his ear or a well recognized brand.  I


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2008
Ho lee Chit, Mr. Allgood on SP now. (clapping)
I have been to a few shows where you have judged, overall great job. I really like your comments and overall presence in the ring. Oh and breeds some pretty nice cattle too, gonna have to get you to pick me one out for next year from your spring born calf crop.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2009
I'm an older showman.. I grew up showing dressage and hunters, and switched to cattle 22 years ago.  I guess what surprises me about judges that can be "bought", or are returning favors, is that they are destroying their own integrity and self worth, but showing others they can't stand up for their values and what they know is right.  I'm sorry, but people are WIMPY!  You're going to piss someone off regardless of what you do.  Why be afraid to do what's right?