Labor Day

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Happy Labor Day to all!!! (clapping)

But a thought: Why is it that those that get the day off, don't do labor to begin with??? ???
And those that do the most laborous jobs, don't get the day off??? ???
Talk about things that make ya go "huh?" :(


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
union labor does get the day off.  i think this holiday should be changed to capitalist's day.  labor day has come to mean lack of competitveness and outsourcing day because of organized labor.  of course in the past, there was a reason for their gains, but the pendulum has swung too far, particularly governement labor, which is the largest political donor category, followed by teachers union, then labor in general.  seems a little skewed to me to make progress to reach free market pricing for any product, particularly at the expense of everyone else.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
who said the following?

"When I'm president, privatization is off the table because it's not the answer to anything."

i'm guessing that nationalizing is the answer to everything.

amazing.  well, i guess what's really amazing is that 50% of americans or more, actually want this.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar
That would be Hillary, the Queen Bee of Socialization. (I prefer to call it what it really is)


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
The answer as always is somewhere in the middle.  I've seen privatization of some things happen in the military and trust me - it costs you more money.

Government control isn't always bad - particularly on items or services that you don't have a choice on purchasing. 

I can't stand Hillary for lots of reasons, but some of her ideas aren't that bad.  We won't have to worry about it though.  She won't be president.  I doubt she'll even be the democratic nominee.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
good point chambero, particularly the military.  the costs of that usually don't factor in the retirement benefits.  privatization of food, and other garment sectors was bad for the military.  energy is another one that should stay with the government because this issue is too large for competition to drive down prices, same with the phone infrastructure. it may sound strange, but i'm actually for heavy regulation of the electrical grid and governement (at the local municipality, or county level) owning their own resources.  time and time again, deregulation has increased prices, with cable tv being another example.  when it first came out, i can still VIVIDLY remember the ONLY commercial was, WE DON'T HAVE COMMERCIALS, WE'RE CABLE, YOU PAY TO NOT HAVE THEM.  It was kinda like a capitalist alternative to NPR, and even they have commercial now.  totally wacked.  on the other hand, even government regulation of itself in the transportation sector is strange.  in the bay area, there is at least 18 different transit authorities, if not more, with some bridges having their own, with their own union! 

the place where we desparately need regulations is privatization of public assets.  it's crazy that china or goldman sachs can purchase toll roads, get a lease for 99 years, with little input from the people who paid for those assets, except after the fact.  then how do you undo the contract? our economy is being converted into a fee for everything with no ownership rights for anything.  it will be too late when they come for your property, it won't even be the government with a gun in their hand ushering you out of your home, it will be goldman sachs (owned by china at that point) escorting you out of your house. 

regulation, in general, should foster competition, not penalize good competitors.  of course that course will send you down the monopoly trail after standard oil etc, which would have succumbed to competition anyway, but no, the government in that case intervened.  the public good didnt' need to own the oil business in that case.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
AAOK said:
That would be Hillary, the Queen Bee of Socialization. (I prefer to call it what it really is)

AAOK this one's for you,

"The latest political rumor is that if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency, she will be replaced in the Senate by her husband, Bill Clinton. When asked about it, Bill Clinton said, 'I dream of replacing Hillary every day.'" --Conan O'Brien
