Maine Anjou cattle people

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
We didn't, I never really got solid answers to the questions I had on registered cows we use as recips (about 25% of our herd) so I guess we are out by default.  I understand there are people that EPD's are important to, I haven't found them to be a tool in the Maine breed so I guess not having them isn't a great loss to me, my cattle didn't ever count anyway because I don't have enough in a contemporary group for them to take the numbers anyway.

Joe Boy

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
All active AMAA and AJMAA members must designate their membership as Breeder’s Choice or Maine-Anjou Performance Program (MAPP). Enrollment in MAPP will not take place until this form is completed. Please return no later than Sept. 1, 2008. Please carefully read through the enclosed guidelines.
Place an “X” next to the option you want for your membership for 2009.


Active Breeder Number


You will need to go to the website and read it if you did not read it in the Voice.

I am like Jill, there are some things that seem unclear to me and I did not call in an ask.  I think you have to Jan. 1, but they wanted the commitment signed by Sept. 4th.

Joe Boy

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
Here is a note that I am thinking about mailing in with my form.

"Personally it seems to me that you are going to tax each active cow for $5 per year, and raised the transfer fees to $20.  This seems to be added with not any real increase from the AMAA for those who are reporting the real numbers.  I think it will have an adverse affect on the association by weeding out some of the members who are not reporting information but are potential buyers.  It seems like a power play to force them to get with the program or get out.

I have sold two bulls with papers lately but the buyers will not send in the papers or register to become a member.  WHY?  Could it be that we have lost our breeder friendly atmosphere?  What are we doing to try to get such buyers to want to raise Maine Anjou cattle?  Will this program open the door for them or close it tighter?  The commercial breeder is not interested in raising calves for showing but commercial cattle for beef and that is where our focus needs to be on EPD's.  Personally, I would like a standardized epd program so all breeds could be compared with each other for growth, milk, frame score, feed efficiency and maternal.  But I realize that too many people today lie to make their cattle or themselves look good.  Those placed in a feed lot are the only way we can get the right numbers."


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Champaign, IL
what benefit is it of the breeders to have their bulls registered? Pride?  Its certainly not gonna make the bulls better.  The maine breed, like shorthorns, or chi's, or any other minority breed has trouble trying make it work both ways.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i haven't figured this out either yet.

why do you have to register a bull to sell it unless the buyer wants to register cattle out of him.  if you sell to a commercial guy or cut the steers, you are still selling them but not registering, but capturing performance data i guess.

i agree catch 22's are annoying.  i'm trying to transfer from working for the man to being the man.  i'm not as brave as most on here, hence little reward.  until numbers are up and the product seems more of a viable commercial alternative, it will probably be sticky.

registering seems to be a floor of record keeping to help develop a particluar set of families of genetics.  i guess it's ok.  it sure helps genetic defect searches, unless of course records are wrong, but thankfully, enough were correct with maine's to figure it out.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
We haven't joined in almost.  Our daughter owns all our "new" cattle we bring into the herd.  Funny, we got a form but she didn't get one to sign up.  I found that odd.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2008
i joined last fall and don't have a single registered maine cow. i joined so that i could register some percentage calves we had. i have yet to do so. i received the letter and just ignored it because i have no information to send in yet. am i going to have to jump through more hoops just to register a steer that we raised for someone we sold him to?

Joe Boy

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
No.  It will be a simple matter.

I only register a few bulls each year and simple sale most, but still keep records on all and send in the numbers.  I do this for two reasons:  1.  To keep the epd's on my cows.  2.  To keep the epd's on the AI bulls and our herd bulls on a permanent record.  I do not register all the heifers, only the ones we keep and sale to someone to show.  I have owned registered bulls from other breeds, Angus, Lemi's, and Chi-Ang.  I only joined the Chi-Ang association.  I have never registered a calf with them, but I liked getting their information as long as I paid my dues.  The best breeders stay informed.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
Joe Boy, if you aren't sending in a contemporary group of I believe it is 8 your numbers do not figure into the EPD of the cow or bull.  We have 40 cows and have never had enough in the same grouping for our numbers to count anyway.  I don't know if that makes sense or not, basically if you are only sending data on 1 or 2 your data doesn't count toward the Ed's.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
you can access to epd information if you are a participant.  i joined up with my huge herd of 5 cows.  not a big deal.  these things take time to get better.  right now i'm putting a robot on line for production to process RNA for a medical device, and every step of the way there are hiccups, readjustments, successes, lockdowns of protocols.

i guess what i'd like to see in addition to the heifer thing they are promoting with this, is an incentive for a fullblood placing at something other than the fort worth show.


Joe Boy

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
I usually send in 10 at a time, sometimes I have send in more.  I usually register 10 heifers at a time and then send in the other information.  I have never heard what you are saying, but I could see that it would be true.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
I'm not sure on the reason for the rule, but I would assume it is to keep the well fed 2-3 from distorting the more realistic numbers for EPD's.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Jill said:
Joe Boy, if you aren't sending in a contemporary group of I believe it is 8 your numbers do not figure into the EPD of the cow or bull.  We have 40 cows and have never had enough in the same grouping for our numbers to count anyway.  I don't know if that makes sense or not, basically if you are only sending data on 1 or 2 your data doesn't count toward the Ed's.

Jill I have never had the problem you describe as believe you are mistaken - according to John (AMAA) although there are exclusion criteria for EPDs, as long as an animal has 1 other member of a contemporary group (ie something to compare her to) it is included in the calculation of EPDs. Other exclusion criteria would be bulls on bull test or yearling weight without weaning weight, but a contemporary group of 2 qualifies.As you can see from the looking at the EPD changes from one year to the next, one animal has very little effect on the numbers

Certain sales and most bull tests require breed association EPDs - many buyers both commercial and purebred look at EPDs - some don't care, esp those whose goal is show cattle.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
That was how it was explained to me, it has been years ago (they were still in the old office) so it may have changed since then.