Jill, it downloaded fine for me. Do you have the newer Adobe program?
I can e-mail it to you if you want me to. Is it the sample submission form you need?
I figured it out, it was trying to download a new copy of Adobe, and it wouldn't go past it, but I didn't see that until I got out of everyting else. The new computer with Vista is really nice, but it has some really strange feature and ways of doing things . Thanks
Ok, this testing is for a donor and the DNA needs to go on to UC Davis but I don't see anywhere on this form to mark for that. How does that work? Do I still need to order the DNA kit from the Maine office? Maybe I just need to call the office. ???
Hey Jill - If you can't download the for to Dr B just print up the info on your computer with the donors registration #, name, your name etc.....that is basically what I do and haven't had a problem.