Marble bone - aj for you!

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Marble bone - AKA osteopetrosis - AKA dense bone disease
Autosomal recessive in cattle - Angus, Simmie, Holstein

Bone is actually a pretty active tissue and is made and broken down on a daily basis resulting in "normal bone"

In normal long bone (ie leg bones) there is a central cavity where there is bone marrow - bone marrow is where the blood cells are made

In Marble bone there is a failure of bone resorption, ie it is not broken down but it is continually being made, resulting in very dense bone and obliteration of the bone marrow cavity

calves with marble bone are often aborted and may have short lower jaw

Some good pictures of the characteristic head appearance and long bones in the link below. This condition does require a necropsy for accurate diagnosis and is another one of those abnormalities where our 'old virus buddy' BVDV can muddy the diagnostic water.

In addition to the 2 bulls listed on the RAA web site as carriers of marble bone, ABS has stopped selling semen on a full brother and is (as I understand it) doing father -daughter matings to confirm (or deny) his status as a carrier.

There is currently no test for marble bone - all suspected cases are going through the RAA


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Central Lower Michigan
DL said:
Marble bone - AKA osteopetrosis - AKA dense bone disease
Autosomal recessive in cattle - Angus, Simmie, Holstein

Bone is actually a pretty active tissue and is made and broken down on a daily basis resulting in "normal bone"

In normal long bone (ie leg bones) there is a central cavity where there is bone marrow - bone marrow is where the blood cells are made

In Marble bone there is a failure of bone resorption, ie it is not broken down but it is continually being made, resulting in very dense bone and obliteration of the bone marrow cavity

calves with marble bone are often aborted and may have short lower jaw

Some good pictures of the characteristic head appearance and long bones in the link below. This condition does require a necropsy for accurate diagnosis and is another one of those abnormalities where our 'old virus buddy' BVDV can muddy the diagnostic water.

In addition to the 2 bulls listed on the RAA web site as carriers of marble bone, ABS has stopped selling semen on a full brother and is (as I understand it) doing father -daughter matings to confirm (or deny) his status as a carrier.

There is currently no test for marble bone - all suspected cases are going through the RAA

Thanks for posting this.  I read every word and have a question for you:  We seem so beset upon by new and, may I say, strange malformations in cattle (I'm sure other species, too, but I focus on cattle as a rule).  Are these genetic recessives that have been "hiding" there all through the history of domesticated cattle or have cattle mutated throughout the ages and passed that mutated recessive along as we breed closer and closer families?  


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I'm not DL...but...and I'm not sure I understand your question. I assume genetic mutations have always occured. I don't know what you mean about breeding closer families. It looks like to me it would be good to figure this thing out especially since it is confused with a bvdv or just a fertility problem. It looks like to me it can do nothing but cut into profit in the beef industry. Lets hope Romeo is clean but if he isn't there are progency out there. I believe he was in top 10 for number of registrations in the breed. It would be good to get a handle on all genectic defects I think. If this a problem in black angus shouldn't we figure it out also? I own a Red Angus bull tell me is he clean or not? I'd like to know.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I looked up registration on ra #1 and He was born in 1945 so apparently thats about when the red angus book was started.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
aj - I am not anywhere as fluent with RA pedigrees as I am with Maines, but what I see in the 2 named carriers is the bull RED BUF CRK CHF 824-1658 (and I didn't see him in your bull but I didn't go back on the pedigree - land line ugh!) reg #299588 an 88 model. The two carrier bulls are BUF CRK ROMO P028 (registration number (986102) and LONK CANYON 509R (registration number (1076387)

There is speculation (isn't there always :)) that marble bone originated in the Black Angus and that is how it got into RA - as far as who is the Improver, the Outcast, the Draft Pick, Stinger, or 7D7 - if anybody knows they ain't talking.

I think with many or the "newly found" recessive defects that they have been around for a long time but with AI and ET we have maybe hastened their arrival at a critical mass so that people have noticed and they cannot be ignored. Also it appears that if you make a living with your cattle (ie you sell it by the pound) you are perhaps less tolerant of genetic defects and dead calves than if you are breeding for show steers and hoping for the great one. However if you make a living with your cattle and have sold a boat load of semen and embryos on a carrier bull or cow you might hope that no one will notice.

Seems the RAA and ABS are on top of this. I have an article on genetic defects in cattle I'll send to you guys when I get back in - right now I have to go check the pump in the barn - cleaned it all out yesterday - was going to put sand in today - we did get 3 inches of rain but the real issue was a cow who turned on a hydrant that is guarded by 6 inch pipes --- eee gads up to the knees :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Wow...they say not to jump to conclusions...but under the one scenario you have cherokee canyon a possible. I noticed messmers and lonkers having complete dispersals this fall. I don't know how the trail goes for sure but this could be big story.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
aj said:
Wow...they say not to jump to conclusions...but under the one scenario you have cherokee canyon a possible. I noticed messmers and lonkers having complete dispersals this fall. I don't know how the trail goes for sure but this could be big story.

Like I said the 824-1658 bull is in both the documented carrier pedigrees - as well as the full brother - so it just jumped out at me - I'll look a little closed tonight at the carrier pedigrees to see if they have anything else in common.  And just because it is in common doesn't mean it is the cause ...another genetic puzzle and to think I have started using RA bulls! Go figure


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I bet the red angus people wish they had a dna marker test. Hopefull they will figure out one in a year or two. I'll never forget waiting for the th test to be developed. There was talk it might never be developed. At least we have a th and pha test! It makes things manageable.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I noticed that in the spring 2008 abs bull book...they recommended romeo for cherokee canyon daughters. This would be lining up 824-1658 genetics for a test(purposely or not I don't know). Unless you were really paying attention the defect calves might not be noticed or just written off as enviromental anyway.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
aj et al - if anyone has a calf with marble bone (suspected) or fawn calf please let me know and we can get appropriate samples submitted, also a video of  gait of a typical fawn calf. The URL link is:


aj - also this
click on genetic defect Q&A

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Got my RA mag today and there was an article in there....did you get it DL??? VERY interesting to say the least.....

I guess board members are board members regardless of breed.

aj: Same with breeders. A DNA test will be of HUGE help for those honest enough to use it. But, breeders are breeders.....


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
dori36 said:
We seem so beset upon by new and, may I say, strange malformations in cattle (I'm sure other species, too, but I focus on cattle as a rule).  Are these genetic recessives that have been "hiding" there all through the history of domesticated cattle or have cattle mutated throughout the ages and passed that mutated recessive along as we breed closer and closer families? 

the only reason this is happening at a faster pace, is that more people are using less genetics and this is substituting for line breeding to weed out the bad and weed in the good.

when was the last time you heard of a breeder test breeding a bull on 30 daughters and using the results in marketing?

i would be shocked if any animal was clean of all possible defects.  this is why line breeding is so critical.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Anyone go back farther in the pedigrees to find other common ancestors? I haven't had time yet.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I can get to becton lance p(742) on lonk canyon canyon side and romo's non canyon side also. :)


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I can get to the Rocky Mountain bull also bypassing 824-1658. So hopefully cherokee canyon is clean!


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
On the black angus side Eileemere 999,Marshal Pride 4,conan of wye, seem to show up in the carriers list's pedigrees. ;)


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Just bumped it up to piss everybody off. Any "young guns" out there that can help me out? And in the words of big and rich "why does everybody want to kick my ass"? ;D