Meatless Mondays...

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
you know their message is first one day, then two.

people need to see these liberal scams for what they are, a religion.

same with immigration.  1965, 1986, and now.  either fix it so people from anywhere can come, not just latin americans (about 70% of illegals), and end the racism.

immigration should be about the american ideal and freedom rather than votes and cheap labor.

it's obviously much easier to convert people to your cause if you give them something free (just like a drug dealer) than to convert them after the fact.

democrats know this and republicans and conservatives are too stupid.


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
I like the comment below the article that suggests they should pass a "Weedless Wednesday" so they can stop dreaming up dumb ideas.


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2009
GoWyo said:
I like the comment below the article that suggests they should pass a "Weedless Wednesday" so they can stop dreaming up dumb ideas.

Rolling on the ground on that one.  (clapping)


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
I do agree that many have poor diets but this is not the solution by any means. Especially by reducing their meat intake. What idiots. Stupid people trying to correct the nutritional wows with zero education in nutrition and with negligible food prep experience.

Being a security officer at a call center which is owned  by an overseas company that employees low income help, I see lots and lots of ill people. Many of which are young. These are primarily illnesses associated to improper nutrition. But  this issue is not about meat consumption but more about eating processed fast foods which are not nutrient dense. Most of their diet comes from vending machines (a total of sixteen) that are placed in the employee's break room or they go out and eat fast food because they have only a 30 minute break. There are about 300-400 people in this building at any given time with insufficient parking. 911 is called up to six times a day. Yesterday, three 911 calls.  Each call costs the company about 600 dollars . These are mostly health related calls which I believe are due to improper food intake. Obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc..

IMO, educating these people how to shop and prepare food at home is the only answer in correcting this huge, huge problem. Many people just do not know how to shop effectively on a budget and there is not much out there to help them. Working in Restaurants and Grocery Stores most of my life, I know many people are just fearful of shopping and purchasing foods they are unfamiliar with. They will see a whole wall of fruits and vegetables and get overwhelmed and question if they even want to mess with it. Most of the problem is developing a systematic approach and becoming efficient in preparing a better diet. This is where we could help solve the problem. But not eating meat on Monday...Come on! The real problem is really more about the ease and availability of too much carbohydrates that are nutrient void with extreme sodium overload.



Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
They have been doing that here at a couple different companies for a year now. On monday you can't get meat at the company cafeteria.