Meet the Press

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
chambero said:
But, Powell knows the man if he had a single concern about it, he would have never endorsed him. 

there is no person alive i don't have a single concern about.

powell got fooled on wmd's.

obama will have no problem outspending bush what with the war on world poverty, a corp equal in size to the military because the peace corp, clinton corp, bush corp are never enough, health care, illegal alien amensty, the list is endless.  business will leave like it is leaving CA drying up revenue.

even if he spends the same, revenue will be less, and it will create a bigger problem.  hope and change has no verification necessary to implement accountability.  when obama says a program isn't working, it's because there won't be enough redistribution to the people he thinks need to be in receipt of his bribes.

kinda wondering how bush gets all the credit for spending.  must not be a house of reps.

bush's biggest mistake was thinking the left could be bought by someone from the right.  what a fool.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2007
Carthage MO
knabe said:
chambero said:
But, Powell knows the man if he had a single concern about it, he would have never endorsed him. 

there is no person alive i don't have a single concern about.

kinda wondering how bush gets all the credit for spending.  must not be a house of reps.

hard to believe that the CONGRESS blindly followed bush isn't it.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
I firmly believe that that president bush was/is a good president.  There has not been a drop of innocent american blood lost on his watch since 9/11.  He has rid the world of violent militant dictator and liberated a country.  I do however believe that we did this because of oil.  But, it is in our interests to have democracy and somewhat order in the middle east.  We do need the oil. 

I believe he had some extremely hard decisions to make and he did the right thing.  Not necessarily the most popular thing, but the right thing.  I am kind of a "ends justifies the means person" and I think Bush is too somewhat.  He did what he had to do to make the world safer and make America safer.  The world is better off because of Bush's presidency.  You can't say that about Bill Clinton.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
The pollsters say we will have a Democratic president, will probably have 60%  Democratic Congress which will be able to stop all minority ideas from even being heard and will automatically be able to confirm any Supreme Court appointments Obama wants to make.  I don't know about anyone else, but this scares the heck out of me.
With 95% of the media backing them we will be in a defacto dictatorship.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
4000 people die every year from drug war related activities in Mexico.  we are importing a civil war into the US for democratic votes and republican labor.

it is inexcusable that neither candidate mentioned anything to do with immigration in 3 debates, nor was it brought up as a question.  a total and complete lack of responsibility.

it is my view that both parties are one and the same, more and morer, less and lesser, nothing different, no change, no hope.

more, not only can't obama vote and take stands, he's the same way with the world series.                please obama, we're not in 1st grade where the adults try to remove scoring but the kids know the score.
On Oct. 11, Obama told a crowd in the City of Brotherly Love — the biggest city on the key swing state of Pennsylvania: “My White Sox are gone, so I’ll go ahead and root for the Phillies now.”

Yet in Tampa on Monday afternoon, where he was introduced by Rays players Fernando Perez and David Price, Obama also seemed to express support for the Rays, telling the crowd that he had just met with several members of the team backstage.

"I have said from the beginning that I'm a unity candidate, bringing people together. So when you see a White Sox fan showing some love for the Rays and the Rays showing some love back, you know we're onto something here,” Obama said.
Obama said.  typical, always playing both sides of every issue and NEVER taking a stand unless it's for killing a baby who managed to survive an abortion, even though both boxer and feinstein voted for the EXACT same bill limiting the procedure as did over 90 senators.  there is NO ONE to the left of obama.


In divorce papers filed Monday, the wife of Congressman Tim Mahoney claims her husband “recently sold jointly owned real property” moved the proceeds to an account in his name and “dissipated funds from said account.”

Terry Ellen Mahoney also claims that in the last two years Tim Mahoney “dissipated marital assets” and asks for a full accounting of the transactions so that she can collect her share.

at least republicans have the decency to quit when they are addicted to something.  you can bet pelosi won't call for an investigation.  she has no morals, the only concept of right and wrong is if you get caught, and then when you do, if it's not illegal, then it's not wrong, and then if it's illegal, if you're a democrat, you get off lightly with minimal press investigation compared with a republican.