Misrepresenting the facts??

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OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
aj said:
Show stopper.......I have been posting on here since July 5 2006.......when this discussion board was started. There is no one that I know of been posting longer. Usually the way they get me is group together and flood the moderators with complaints......tag team me on posts.....including the one group......the father,two daughters, their best friend and their second best friend. If you pool five or so people to gang bang me on discussions you can usually push me in the corner.......say what I think......then get banned. If you want to want to silience me....I suggest you go that route.......hammer and hammer....character assassination......etc etc. I wish you luck.

You enjoy playing the victim but when some "snipes" you - its met with the poor me. If you can dish it you should be able to take it. The numerous reasons once again you have been banned wasn't because of "POLITE" discussion. Do you remember why you came to his board? You were banned from the other forum.

As I have said before, with your history in the shorthorn breed and as a cattle breeder you could contribute so much more. But it gets killed in the delivery. Almost with certainty dollars to donuts if its a show cattle post there will negative comment posted by you. Why not take your own advice and skip the post or skip commenting all together.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar
DL said:
bart said:
AJ, I heard this was a showcattle site from a guy?
AJ, I heard that you show cattle?
AJ, someone told me if you would use heatwave you wouldn't have to worry about getting fill hair and that showering look?
AJ, when you are paying for that 500 clipping job my fitters will work cheaper?

PS this is a show cattle site!

Actually Bart - if you read the description under the steerplanet.com it says "On online community for cattle enthusiasts" - along time ago a group of us created that line - so it is MORE than a show cattle site  ::) so technically speaking it is a site for cattle enthusiasts some of whom are people who show cattle people. PS aj lives in a town with a really big moon LOL

Glad you're back DL.


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2012
Show stopper 95 said:
It's not a show cattle site and its not a cattle enthusiast site- it's a shorthorn site for red white and roan circus animals you guys are crazy  (pop)

Now THAT is funny!  I didn't say it is true (or false)...it's really just making me laugh!



Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I have kinda forgot how I morphed into being the bad boy. I do think that alot of young people actually think that their show cattle have something to offer the "Beef Industry". There is now a grand canyon between show cattle and the beef industry. The beef industry doesn't need cattle with 120 birth weights. The industry does not need and will not except cattle carrying lethal genetic defects. The beef industry won't use cattle that can't survive on a forage based diet. The industry doesn't need a line of cattle that are on full feed at age 2 months.....live in a cooler all their life. I guess that is my point. As long as that side of the story gets told. Once I heard the judge comment at a steer show about how the next generation of cattleman were there in ring and I shuddered. 85% of the cattle in the barn were th carriers. I think its important to know that alot of show ring cattle are worthless to the beef industry. Thats my opinion. That really ruffles feathers and gets taken personally....and war is on. I guess I'll be gone for a while. steer planet grin.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
AJ, most show calves are not calved at 120 lbs, I bet you can find commercial bulls out there that have a few of them hit the ground (or cut out as well). 99% percent of the show calves are not aired or pumped, not saying it does not happen it is not the norm. What you are doing is grouping everyone that shows cattle into the cheater group, that is simply not true, it is like saying all shorthorns have TH and Mains have PHA. Yes, allot of those kids are the future of Ag, so instead of bashing them, you might consider that since there so busy mucking out that awful cooler (which only helps to grow hair) they don't have time to be "bored" and go out and cause trouble.
We had no cooler, and yes we fed heavy since we are trying to hit a date and weight not just a weight. We fed supplements, for fat and hair, as far as the other stuff, never used it.
My boys learned about hard work and responsibility by showing calves,My oldest worked on the ranch we got our calves from for 2 years helping them get ready for their sale. the last year he was there for 3 months. Working from 7 to 5 every day, rinsing and breaking calves, fedding, painting, mowing the calf runs, you name it, why did they ask him to help, we lived 300 miles away, they knew he was a good hand and a hard worker. The younger one is in college, working his hind end off (just got home from taking summer coarsens) he is doing well and getting good grades, again the hard work and responsibility he learned from showing livestock, has carried over to life.
Show cattle, show dogs, and show horses, most do not work in the real world, some can go either way but for the most part, your right, they do not fit in the real world. Because in the show you are trying for perfection in the ring at that moment (even though it does not exist), In the real world you start at conception and and go through the complete life cycle, in the ring it is 30 minutes of time, birth weight, feed conversion, fertility do not matter, what they see at that moment does.
You could find a kid to mentor, help them with a project, but teach them about the production side of the beef industry at the same time, that to me would be more productive then what you do on this site.


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
[quote author=aj linkrecg388891#msg388891 date=1377264254]
I have kinda forgot how I morphed into being the bad boy. I do think that alot of young people actually think that their show cattle have something to offer the "Beef Industry". There is now a grand canyon between show cattle and the beef industry. The beef industry doesn't need cattle with 120 birth weights. The industry does not need and will not except cattle carrying lethal genetic defects. The beef industry won't use cattle that can't survive on a forage based diet. The industry doesn't need a line of cattle that are on full feed at age 2 months.....live in a cooler all their life. I guess that is my point. As long as that side of the story gets told. Once I heard the judge comment at a steer show about how the next generation  cattleman were there in ring and I shuddered. 85% of the cattle in the barn were th carriers. I think its important to know that alot of show ring cattle are worthless to the beef industry. Thats my opinion. That really ruffles feathers and gets taken personally....and war is on. I guess I'll be gone for a while. steer planet grin.

If you really want banned try harder (you can do it).. or you could ban yourself.but what fun would that be without the "gang banging" you seem to thoroughly enjoy. Besides, no one likes a quitter.