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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
if we let them all go, they will kill more people so nancy pelosi won't have to kill her 5 children and 6 grandchildren to reduce global warming.  with her logic, it's actually a stimulus to the economy as states will have less people to support.  note that her stimulus, funding abortion, was eliminated from the stimulus package.  on the flip side, i am for contraceptives of any type, especially IUD's which are totally safe and were basically eliminated from US use by false studies.  they are much smaller and safer now, without the annoying side effects of the pill.  europe has been using the new smaller one's for years with little actual evidence of harm if any.

it's really win/win.  most economic gain has really benefited from destroying assets of others, making yours therefore in limited supply.  if you can defend a slow trickling of yours at inflated prices, you accumulate and deploy capital.  this is the strategy of most big box stores to enter a market with a footprint as a loss leader by placing two stores around an established non-chain family owned business.  once the family business goes out of business, one of the box stores does to and the assets are redeployed to the next unsuspecting community, usually with a big tax break.  but usually, the issue of abortion gets in the way as a decoy and no one notices.  it's really amazing how much funding is done with one's own money to elimnate one's impact on society.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I saw a poll that said 33% of freed detainees go back to Al Qaeda or the Taliban.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
criminal america is also taking our money too.  kind of a double whammy.

america has little survival instinct.

weather underground founder bill ayers spoke at st. marys college last night.  it was protested by police officers who knew and watched a police officer die from a bomb allegedly planted by ayers' wife.  the officer died of a schrapnel wound to the neck and died in minutes.  ayers' book was dedicated to sirhan sirhan.  yet we PAY this guy to lecture our kids.