Multi Min 90

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Critter Co. Livestock

Well-known member
Sep 5, 2011
Has anyone used this product? Have heard information from a couple breeders who use it on there cattle and are having better success rates with AI and especially in embryo transfer programs. If anyone has some information on this and has witnessed the effects of its use please share.


cowman 52

Well-known member
Jan 16, 2009
San Angelo Texas
Use it.
Back some years, a friend who was a pharmacist had the recipe used in hospitals mainly in labor and delivery, and they swore by it. It is well worth the money. We used it in the A I program, I brought it with me and use it often.

Barry Farms

Well-known member
Jan 21, 2013
North East MO
What is Multi Min 90, better success rates sounds good to me. Is it a feed additive or a shot or what? also whats the best synchronization feed additive/shot to put cows into heat.

cowman 52

Well-known member
Jan 16, 2009
San Angelo Texas
A vitamin injection. Copper selenium manganese, and I forget what else, every one of them lacking can screw up cow conception


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
cowman 52 said:
A vitamin injection. Copper selenium manganese, and I forget what else, every one of them lacking can screw up cow conception
and zinc i believe

Mill Iron A

Well-known member
Jul 12, 2011
Its a band aid for a poor mineral program, your better off supplementing them through a liquid for breed up as the extra energy is utilized to increase follicular development and increase the hormone surge. The best synchronization for cows is the 7 day cidr protocol with mass mate at 80% detected or 84 hours. For heifers its the 14 day protocol


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2010
Waterville, Iowa
I would not call it a band-aid. Breed cows for a herd of cows where they are mostly dry lot with decent hay. First year we cidr'd and had aval 4 tubs out along with protein tubs. Bred july 4th stuck less than 50%. This year we had same mineral used MGA and at lute shot gave MM 90.
ONE heifer came into heat. Following week we then cidr'd and I'll be danged if all them didn't come into heat. Stuck 7 of 11 and with worse summer on record and even poorer hay cows are in way better shape than previous year.

I am a herdsman on a dairy and all baby calves get it and really improved calf vigor. Also we ran 3 seperate trials on over 50 head of breeding cows. Random 50% of cows 30 days before Timed AI date got MM 90. MM 90 cows were 50% conception and non MM 90 cows were 33%. Was it luck or just some random deal I don't know but for $2.50/head I'm giving it a go! Now all milk cows get it during dry period and I gave it to all fall cows at Preg check and spring cows when we gave Gaurdian. Instead of trying to make an extra trip thru chute so we will see how that works.


cowman 52

Well-known member
Jan 16, 2009
San Angelo Texas
Water has just about as much to do with a mineral program, a high level of iron screws things up, sulfur screws things up, gyp can also,  the more you feed mineral sometimes the more you go backwards. The multi min will sure enough be in the cows, and not left in the salt box,
Every bodies mineral problems aint as easy as opening a bag and pouring it out.


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2008
South Texas
I've used Multi Min or Min Max for several years now and it's a set part of our pre-breeding program now. I give Multi Min one month prior to breeding along with a vitamin ADE, deworming and any pre-breeding vaccinations.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2013
I have had several "experts" tell me the same thing Mill Iron A is saying. If you have good management, good nutrition you do NOT need multi min.  If on the other hand you "sometimes put out mineral" and "sometimes test your feed" and "have water available "most of the time"  then you might benefit from multi min.

I have known several big cattle producers run side by side trials and multi min had no better conception than the herd with a good mineral program in the SAME GIVIN YEAR. You can not compare year to year, as there are too many variables to consider and control.
One producer did think an injection of multi min helped when he recieved loads of feeder calves in, but when he had his calf supplier make sure they had 60 days of mineral prior to shipment, he again saw no difference.

There is no magic bullet, unless it is good management and good nutrition



Well-known member
Jun 17, 2010
BTDT said:
I have had several "experts" tell me the same thing Mill Iron A is saying. If you have good management, good nutrition you do NOT need multi min.  If on the other hand you "sometimes put out mineral" and "sometimes test your feed" and "have water available "most of the time"  then you might benefit from multi min.

I have known several big cattle producers run side by side trials and multi min had no better conception than the herd with a good mineral program in the SAME GIVIN YEAR. You can not compare year to year, as there are too many variables to consider and control.
One producer did think an injection of multi min helped when he recieved loads of feeder calves in, but when he had his calf supplier make sure they had 60 days of mineral prior to shipment, he again saw no difference.

There is no magic bullet, unless it is good management and good nutrition
I got the same feed back from my vet. He does not believe in it, unless there is poor management. He suggested we did not need it. I am intrigued by it, but do not want to waste money any more than we already do. So far this fall breeding season, we have been lucky, everything has stuck by the second AI.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
Don't use it on show cattle if you have by chance given them a selenium bolus previously.

cowman 52

Well-known member
Jan 16, 2009
San Angelo Texas
If spending 50 cents, gets me 1 more cow bred, I've had a good day.  He'll if breeding cows standing on a 5 gallon bucket of kerosene would help, more to you.  You don't be penny wise and dollar foolish, just to prove you are a mineral guru.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2012
I don't agree Mult Min is only for poor management situations.  We have mineral out 365 days a year without fail because we started mineral monday probably 25 years ago. We use a custom mix and/or VitaFerm and at times use chelates.  86 cows scored a 6-9 on body condition last week by vet.  Water is not in short supply in the waterers or in the pasture and have a nutritionist that checks feed regularly.  We don't do everything perfect but we handle nutrition ok.

Our vet is the one that recommended we give it a try.  We used it on the AI and flush cows last year because we know we are selenium poor in our area plus it was hot.  It went better than the year before.  I can't say for sure it was the Multi Min but like cowman 52 if it gets one more cow bred it works for me.

We used it on a couple of calves when we ran out of BoSe last year and they got along real well.

Not working in a couple of unknown places doesn't mean a think to me if my check's a little bigger at the end of the year from a few more pounds and or a few more head.


Feb 14, 2013
Multimin90 purpose is not to take place of your oral program but to enhance the tissues and enzymes that are critical for conception or semen production at those stressful events.That's why its so effective on stocker at arrival time because your supplementing the trace minerals at a stressed time .Trace minerals have several major functions of the body and orally can't be absorbe
d fast enough to benefit at those
stressed times.All the research I read says that the mineral status is at or above nrc requirements . That's why they call it a timeed injection your targeting stressed events .It's a sound,effective and cost efficient product ,been using it for seven years and has become a total herd health product in are program.


Feb 14, 2013
What a awesome boost 1-2cc does for the vigor and overall drive to newborns, and also helps with scours as well .


Feb 14, 2013
Was talking to an aggressive meat goat breeder about genetics and what bloodlines to look for and got on the topic of health issues with them beings i'm still learningand he told me he uses multimin 90 religously in his program. He told me they discontinued the sheep and goat version, so he uses the cattle version on his goats because there is no problems with the copper issues like in sheep.Thought this was really useful information to thegoat industry.


Feb 14, 2013
I believe he told me its both  sub-q and intermuscular but I would do it sub-q probably.