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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
Best of luck in your coping.

Best of luck being a tyrant. Hope it lasts longer than morsi.

For some reason bring a tyrant never bothered a liberal unless they are not in charge.

Typical hypocrite.

Mueller Show Cattle

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Glenrock, Wyoming
Xbar state law does add to some. See you would be the minority in Wyoming and many red states. So stick with the bleeding heart liberals and maybe one day you will realize what a big mistake you were making. You probably also believe history don't repeat it's self and this is the type of crap that causes it. You see some people will only take so much of the BS that liberals cause. There has been states wanting to secede from the union even though it might not be soon but if there continues to be a split country it will happen and your blind if you don't think it will happen as the only reason we are what you call a "minority" is cause only of the cities. There still plenty of red states that are tired of the way this country is going and one day it will come to a head. And it is sad coming from someone who served his country even if it could have resulted in death, and now serves his state and county with honor. But others who have no clue what is like to serve his or her country that want to disband the military. Our military made us as a great country and gave this country it's freedom and don't forget that and if you value your freedom thank a Vet. That's all I'm going to say cause it makes my blood boil with these liberals have no clue what this crap is doing to this country I served.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
Big M Show Cattle said:
Xbar state law does add to some. See you would be the minority in Wyoming and many red states. So stick with the bleeding heart liberals and maybe one day you will realize what a big mistake you were making. You probably also believe history don't repeat it's self and this is the type of crap that causes it. You see some people will only take so much of the BS that liberals cause. There has been states wanting to secede from the union even though it might not be soon but if there continues to be a split country it will happen and your blind if you don't think it will happen as the only reason we are what you call a "minority" is cause only of the cities. There still plenty of red states that are tired of the way this country is going and one day it will come to a head. And it is sad coming from someone who served his country even if it could have resulted in death, and now serves his state and county with honor. But others who have no clue what is like to serve his or her country that want to disband the military. Our military made us as a great country and gave this country it's freedom and don't forget that and if you value your freedom thank a Vet. That's all I'm going to say cause it makes my blood boil with these liberals have no clue what this crap is doing to this country I served.
Standing  (clapping)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
Obamacare is an investment; OIF was an expense.

Whats the roi on obamacare?

It would be cheaper to enact real-id and invest in americans as you have suggested.

Half the people that obama care is supoosed to cover is actually just higher premiums for a lower risk.

Back to national geographic.

Should tresspassing be allowed.  Who should decide who should be transparent?



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Big M Show Cattle said:
Xbar state law does add to some. See you would be the minority in Wyoming and many red states. So stick with the bleeding heart liberals and maybe one day you will realize what a big mistake you were making. You probably also believe history don't repeat it's self and this is the type of crap that causes it. You see some people will only take so much of the BS that liberals cause. There has been states wanting to secede from the union even though it might not be soon but if there continues to be a split country it will happen and your blind if you don't think it will happen as the only reason we are what you call a "minority" is cause only of the cities. There still plenty of red states that are tired of the way this country is going and one day it will come to a head. And it is sad coming from someone who served his country even if it could have resulted in death, and now serves his state and county with honor. But others who have no clue what is like to serve his or her country that want to disband the military. Our military made us as a great country and gave this country it's freedom and don't forget that and if you value your freedom thank a Vet. That's all I'm going to say cause it makes my blood boil with these liberals have no clue what this crap is doing to this country I served.

You view it as red state blue state- I see it as "The American People."  Thank you for your prior service in the military. I consider myself an extremely patriotic person- despite your attempt to undermine my allegiance.  I serve my country everyday with a private sector job- do you know anything about those? 



Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
knabe said:
-XBAR- said:
We need to invest in the American people. wrong.  we need to allow Americans to invest more in themselves.  giving people money that won't invest in themselves is not an investment, it's a waste.

It depends in what you consider investment. Canada sends billions of dollars of aid overseas to help poor people yet we have children living below the poverty line and Native Reserves with contaminated water. The money should be spent at home on making sure these kids have a chance at an education. The troulbe with aid overseas is the money never ends up with the people that need it. It turns ot the trouble with aid for reserves is that the money ends up with the band cheifs friends and family. We never pay attention to the delivery of aid or monitor the outcome have no idea why it never works 

Liberal and democrat aren't synonymous- despite your continual attempt to suggest so. they are very synonymous, despite your continual attempt to suggest otherwise.  they are more similar than dissimilar.  hardly anyone today other than you would suggest otherwise.  there used to be a difference, but not anymore, otherwise obama care would not have passed.
People should not have to choose left or right it just helps propogate the party machine, it's obscene how much money is contributed to political parties to get the candidates elected. Voters are getting lazy and should learn about each policy not just who promotes the policy.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
I see it as "The American People." 

not by your posts.  you have said you like the progressive social agenda and want it imposed on the minority no matter if all their economic policies disagree with your supposed economic principles.

the freedom you want for yourself you do not want to afford others.

this is the very definition of a tyrant and hypocrite.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
knabe said:
-XBAR- said:
I see it as "The American People." 

not by your posts.  you have said you like the progressive social agenda and want it imposed on the minority no matter if all their economic policies disagree with your supposed economic principles.

I guess I don't understand your point. The progressive social agenda isn't exclusionary.  The conservative agenda is.  How can something be imposed on if you're free to partake or not? The conservative agenda doesn't allow for that choice.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
The progressive social agenda isn't exclusionary. 

right.  your response is so laughable it's ridiculous. your echo chamber is booming.

your response is exactly why i bring up abortion, because the progressive agenda excludes the fetus, and even born alive abortions.  ever hold a 5 month old baby in your hand?  the progressive logic of denying ANY right of a fetus is flawed.  it's not me that keeps bringing up abortion, it's the progressive left that does with each and every rationalization without ever ONCE defending ANY right of a fetus at any stage even after it's aborted alive.

progressives are the party of neck snippers.  embrace it.

the abortion debate is simply a paradox.

He closes his book with the recommendation that a new ethic should embrace five new commandments to replace the old "sanctity of life" commandments. His commandments are: 1) Recognize that the worth of human life varies; 2) Take responsibility for the consequences of our decisions (in end of life care); 3) Respect a person's desire to live or die; 4) Bring children into the world only if they are wanted; and 5) Do not discriminate on the basis of species.

so if children are not wanted, should we reversibly sterilize anyone who has an abortion?

should we license fertility?

people are ignoring the progressive agenda which is the power to kill anyone at any age under the power of the state.

who will determine "quality" of life. 

when quality standards are not met, who will sit on the panel to end low quality life?

"Shall we just ignore the other lives that might be saved with the medical resources required?"

this argument can be made for any service provided by the state, rather than in a free market.

should an illegal alien have an equal priority to a lung that a legal citizen does?

should the means testing include what?  race, gender, age, family member size, income, any felonies, current on taxes.

these decisions are coming whether we want to think about them or not.  progressives have hidden their agenda ever since their inception in the early 1900's.  they should embrace transparency that they wish to impose on others.

some people are upset that i keep bringing up abortion, which i understand.  i am upset that progressives continually deny choice and tolerance of anyone who differs from them and fail to see the irony.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
Echoing to your ears at a minimum.

i can't hear your echoing as your head keeps expanding with each echo and can still contain the noise.

it will explode at some point.  explore your inner tyrant.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
knabe said:
-XBAR- said:
The progressive social agenda isn't exclusionary. 

right.  your response is so laughable it's ridiculous. your echo chamber is booming.

your response is exactly why i bring up abortion, because the progressive agenda excludes the fetus, and even born alive abortions.  ever hold a 5 month old baby in your hand?  the progressive logic of denying ANY right of a fetus is flawed.  it's not me that keeps bringing up abortion, it's the progressive left that does with each and every rationalization without ever ONCE defending ANY right of a fetus at any stage even after it's aborted alive.

progressives are the party of neck snippers.  embrace it.

the abortion debate is simply a paradox.

He closes his book with the recommendation that a new ethic should embrace five new commandments to replace the old "sanctity of life" commandments. His commandments are: 1) Recognize that the worth of human life varies; 2) Take responsibility for the consequences of our decisions (in end of life care); 3) Respect a person's desire to live or die; 4) Bring children into the world only if they are wanted; and 5) Do not discriminate on the basis of species.

so if children are not wanted, should we reversibly sterilize anyone who has an abortion?

should we license fertility?

people are ignoring the progressive agenda which is the power to kill anyone at any age under the power of the state.

who will determine "quality" of life. 

when quality standards are not met, who will sit on the panel to end low quality life?

"Shall we just ignore the other lives that might be saved with the medical resources required?"

this argument can be made for any service provided by the state, rather than in a free market.

should an illegal alien have an equal priority to a lung that a legal citizen does?

should the means testing include what?  race, gender, age, family member size, income, any felonies, current on taxes.

these decisions are coming whether we want to think about them or not.  progressives have hidden their agenda ever since their inception in the early 1900's.  they should embrace transparency that they wish to impose on others.

some people are upset that i keep bringing up abortion, which i understand.  i am upset that progressives continually deny choice and tolerance of anyone who differs from them and fail to see the irony.

Very interesting. I'd like to read the book when I have a chance.  An individuals power of attorney should be the determinate.  A viables rights should and always will supersede.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
5) Do not discriminate on the basis of species.

this is the other failure of progressive argument.

if it's ok to kill a human, it's ok to kill an animal.  end of story.

all freedoms being restricted by the progressive left should end their exclusionary issues.

if they are truly interested in choice (and they aren't) they should start acting like it.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
An individuals power of attorney should be the determinate.

unless licensing is by the government and subject to them in decision making.

to much room for mischief and conflict of interest otherwise.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
Your logic is flawed. Fetuses aren't viable. Now that we've clarified, proceed.

neither are infants.  proceed.

a 5 month fetus is viable.  proceed.

someone that needs hospital care or surgery isn't viable.  proceed.

so it's ok for horse slaughter, eating dogs, cats.  proceed.

your logic fails to support any consistent philosophy except arbitrariness. 

using your logic, it would have been ok if you or i were aborted.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
When I was in junior national geographic was worth 2 sears catalogs and 1 half a playboy magazine.