Need help with hair!

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2010
A 4-h member in our county has a steer that he is really working hard with but cannot get the hair to train. He rinses and combs and has been using a mane and tail conditioner. As soon as the heair dries it lays down, he has tried rinsing and blowing and as he blows it and it dries it lays down. There is a good amount of hair but it wont stand. Is there something he could put in it to train the hair to stand? Or what are some suggestions?


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2011
if all else fails last resort get crisco the white cooking fat stuff that comes in like a bucket i dont really know how to explain what it is its like dried vegetable oil or lard or something its used for cooking but u can put that in there hair at night and then comb it up but make sure it isnt hot out when u do it and its a pain to get out but ive seen it work one of my friends used it in his steers legs one year and it held the hair up all day and then u wash it out


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Shaving cream will hold it and not hurt the hair. Also try combing,blowing, and brushing at a different angle, if he is brushing strait back try brushing up at a 45, if he is brushing at a 45 try strait up.


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2011
some times its just simple genetics that makes the hair act that way ....some are not born with the "good hair " gene

cowman 52

Well-known member
Jan 16, 2009
San Angelo Texas
Oil--wal mart has a hair spray that is nearly all oil in a pink can or also an olive oil in a spray can.  Quit with the darn soap-you do nothing but dry the  hair out and that dang sure does not help.  A lot of blow a lot of brush and a soapy rinse when it gets to the point it is DIRTY


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
cowman 52 said:
Oil--wal mart has a hair spray that is nearly all oil in a pink can or also an olive oil in a spray can.  Quit with the darn soap-you do nothing but dry the  hair out and that dang sure does not help.  A lot of blow a lot of brush and a soapy rinse when it gets to the point it is DIRTY

Just saying, that's not right. Blowing the hair will dry it out more than a good shampoo.  Use Clear Choice, Weaver's calf wash, or a cheaper person shampoo.  Only use dish soap after breaking one down, or if they're very dirty.  Oil will not help this time of year either.  Use a good sheen; Kleen Sheen, weaver's version, or Laser Sheen. Put a few ounces of Infusium 23 Leave-in conditioner in with the sheen for the first couple weeks to soften the hair.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
kidsandkows said:
A 4-h member in our county has a steer that he is really working hard with but cannot get the hair to train. He rinses and combs and has been using a mane and tail conditioner. As soon as the heair dries it lays down, he has tried rinsing and blowing and as he blows it and it dries it lays down. There is a good amount of hair but it wont stand. Is there something he could put in it to train the hair to stand? Or what are some suggestions?

It is possible to over condition some hair - it can get so soft that it can't have any body.  Not sure that this is the case here, but it is possible.  I'd try just rinsing and using nothing but a light coat of sheen when he's nearly dry for a few days and see if it helps.  Not saying there aren't some other good suggestions here, just adding something else to try.