New bull calf , came a week early Net Worth dam x S Whitlock (Genex) 96 lbs. Any suggestions for her calf? Musgrave Exclusive, Raindance , President, Capitalist 316?
If you want to make mama cows that work in a commercial setting stay away from northern improvement. They are showy but man they don’t like dry country that we have out here. Nice looking calf. Hope he has better docility than the net worth’s or whitlocks out here. You turn them out in some big country where they don’t see people up close but a few times a year they can be real fun to work!
He makes nice cows and his sons are a little bit bigger framed than most cattle now days with good thickness. They can definitely rattle the chute when they come through though.
I sure like the looks of the Spickler bulls. The video of Chisum was pretty awesome. Seemed calm with people around. We’ve got enough chute rattlers here already. That’s why we cross them on shorthorns. A Net Worth X Whitlock should have some power and muscle to him. Nice calf and cow. Some of those a net Worth cows are absolute tanks I see online.