We probably all agree that we don't like the thought of someone adding or taking away parts of an animal on a picture for the sake of making a sale. I personally would love to know the percent of the adds that were "edited". A little shave off the throat here and a little added thickness to the legs there, and you could probably add thousands to your semen sales. How many times have we bought semen on the looks of a pretty picture alone? I for one try my best not to be tempted by the "new" pretty pretty bulls, but instead try to look at the offspring and buy my semen accordingly. But that little voice that sits on my shoulder while I'm at the bull stud buying semen is saying, "what if he's the next hottest thing on hooves? You'll have some of the first calves...just look at him in that picture!" It's like impulse buying at the grocery store and I have them throw in a couple of straws! Did I make my decision because of a touched up photo? Probably. And is it so different than going to buy a prospect and they're all clipped and glued to the 9's? It always amazes me when I take prospects to a sale, which ones will bring the most money. I've seen little slab sided, no butt prospect calves with 6'' of hair be the high sellers over calves that were truly thick but didn't have the hair coat. I can only imagine the look on the buyers face when he got that calf home and turned the water hose on him... you've seen a wet poodle, haven't you? When we take a beginner out to help him find a prospect, I can assure you the one they will pick, will be the one that is most fitted. It doesn't matter if it doesn't track well, or is a structural wreck, they will try to convince you that That's the one! When you try to convince them that the one over there will stay sound, and just needs some clipping and some time, they look at you like you just fell off the turnip truck. It seems like calves posted on here that are clipped a prettied up get more <party> than the ones that aren't. ( I could be wrong.. but seems that way to me) Which ones do you all like to look at when you're buying?