No matter what you do!! Non cattle related

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
  We use less gas, prices start going down finally & now this!! Until we drill here & can control things ourselves this will always happen!!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
the price seems somewhat influenced by our ability to drill, not whether we are drilling more, though we are.  it's amazing how simple it was to change the price.  the 500,000 barrel reduction is tiny compared to the rampups leading up to it, which is a way of being statistically misleading by not providing enough context.

i'm with chambero, let them drill and produce but keep the pressure on with talk, something we are good at, sooooie.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
BIGTEX said:
Drill Baby Drill!!!!

I have a question. How is drilling the answere if Canada, specifically Alberta, who has the second largest oil reserve behind Saudi Arabia still was paying over $4 a gallon this summer. That is a running operation too.  I am not saying I am against drilling just dont know how this is a cure.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
it was the threat to drill, and or, opening up the "strategic" oil reserve that may have been a contributor to the price drop.  a perceived increase in supply brought the future price down.  there are a few other factors of why the price went from 30 to 80 or 100, some of which have to do with the dollar and currency "imbalances".

just like when coffee went from 3 to 8 a pound or whatever it was 10 years ago, the price usually goes up faster than it goes down as prices and goods are taken off the table.

there are some other factors i can't remember where some company is being accused of tying up something, i can't remember.

also, at least in California, people use 10mpg suv's as commuters for 150 miles a day like me, except i have a hybrid and they are disappearing off the road.  gas will continue to come down as those who are "losing" money lose more money by the devaluation of their suv's, home equity, etc, and change their habits.  $4 gas ($5 in CA) seemed to be the tipping point.

a further comment regarding public transportation.  wouldn't it be in the general welfare of society if it actually cost less and we didn't have unions that paid people who work for public transportation the same wages as people with BS degrees and more?  isn't this a disincentive to go to school and waste more subsidy, ie free school tuition.

it's so much easier to let prices do a little bit more of the managing rather than government.