OK, hard to do much over the internet but an assuming calf is not sick ie, scouring or fever?
How old is it? How much does he weigh now?
Heat is a huge factor in weight this time of year. Also make sure the feed hasn't changed formulas. Is he eating? Guess, I'd like a little more information.
Red: He weighs 1020 lbs. He hit that weight OK but it's like he just stopped. He is eating (and drinking) but not real aggressive. Though he never really has been. He has lost little of his cover where I can see his ribs. Gaunt would be the word I used to describe him.
I had him in the chute this morning and didn't find any ticks or wounds. Temp was OK. He is moving about like normal. There is no arching his back, coughing or bloat.
He's got me stumped. Of course I will call the vet Monday morning.
I would make sure no mold in feed. This time of year, that can happen quickly. Steers can get turned off by moldy feed fast.
It concerns me that he's gaunt. Getting plenty of water?
Good plan on the vet. I hate to diagnose over the internet!
Have you noticed him kicking at his belly or standing "humped" up at all. Might be early signs of hardware. We had one several years ago that acted similar, dropped a magnet in him and got him to the fair. When we butchered him he had a 3" piece of barbed wire in him. Now we put a magnet in just about every animal on the place - Cheap insurance. Good luck and let us know what the vet says.
Took steer to the vet and we wormed him and the vet took blood samples. But vet is betting its worms. Next I scrubbed his waterer real good. Finally, I place a white salt block in his bunk. Now after 5 days he is looking better and gaining weight.