Non DVM pregnancy compensation

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2013
cowman 52 said:
As long as you don't advertise, and all you are doing is working cows, there ain't anything that can come back on you.  Looking for business and bragging about it will cause problems

Not necessarily, all it takes is for someone to be unhappy with the service, or step on a vets toes by taking away their business.

knabe - you ask a very good question. Not all vets dislike this idea. Many GOOD vets that have plenty of business doing "real medical work" do not want to waste their time "sticking their hand up a cows backside".  You can not keep everyone happy, and I really think it is best to let the market determine who is "competent" and who is not.  But, I would think there should be some sort of license to keep the real unqualified out. Just a thought.



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
BTDT said:
cowman 52 said:
As long as you don't advertise, and all you are doing is working cows, there ain't anything that can come back on you.  Looking for business and bragging about it will cause problems

Not necessarily, all it takes is for someone to be unhappy with the service, or step on a vets toes by taking away their business.

Provide the 'diagnosis' free of charge.  Charge for the ex post plan of action; the 'consultation.'