OK Planeteers.....Time 2 USE Your Brain AGAIN.........

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2007
Carthage MO
Paint and my daughter Do you know how dangerous she is when let loose on her creativity you should see the side of our garage from when she was 10 or they driveway this last summer a steer made from a whole can of black paint  Just glad it was gravel.  Just up her alley.  Esp with the big mouth twin brother speaking.  Assuming that they could get it done without fighting ::)


Well-known member
May 24, 2007
Assuming that they could get it done without fighting
That's a contest were there are unlimited possibilities..    Sibling fighting/wrestling.    I know for sure my kids could bring home the blue on that one. 


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
jbh said:
shortdawg said:
I really enjoy all the contests at the Shorty Jr. Nat'ls - they have one for about everything. Take a look at the Jr. Nat'l link on www.shorthorn.org

I didn't find the contests on this site....could you tell me what they're under?

Now I'm familiar with most of the contests at the Junior Nat'l's of most breeds....BUT this is not necessarily what I'm talking about.  This event would have to be quick enough and easy enough to do at ANY Jackpot show (obviously I'm trying to get and keep numbers up at these events, which dwindles severely after the winners for the season start emerging.)

AND.....cultivate the ARTISTRY, and imaginations involved in the WHOLE show cattle experience.......and MAYBE, just MAYBE attract some POSITIVE OUTSIDE ATTENTION for beef, our youth, and this whole game we play.

I thought they were on there already but they may not be. They include showmanship, fitting, sales contest, and many others including an adult dress up showmanship ( which was worth going for sure ). I really enjoyed them when we were at the Jr. Natls.  They will be posted later for sure. 


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
JBH, Sounds good to me - that should be fun. Kind of like an improptu salemanship contest of a calf that may look like UGA VIII.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
OK sorry I use my brain every day but can't seem to get into this at all .....


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2008
corydon iowa
DL said:
OK sorry I use my brain every day but can't seem to get into this at all .....

OK.......now I'll tell you what's going on.....

I've been contacted by some BIG TIME PLAYERS in some BIG TIME PLACES.......(that's ALL I'll say about them)......wanting to know if I'll help in the development of a campaign to promote "OUR Ag-based way of life"......and they want the AG. YOUTH of AMERICA to be a MAJOR PART of the STORY in the advertising campaign.

I'm looking for a way to include OUR INDUSTRY in this.......in a way that will attract the attention of those who DON"T HAVE A CLUE about WHAT WE DO! (and you know who I mean) We've simply got to get their attention span engulfed in something, and then force feed them the good of our people and industries,...... WITHOUT them knowing they're INGESTING IT!.....
Much like THEY do to EVERYONE through their PROPAGANDA!

The "NON-CIRCUS" activities of our normal cattle showing is like watching a car wreck to THEM......All they can see is a little boy or girl, leading their pet, that they are eventually going to EAT!  Believe me.....that's all I heard in NYC.  The "CIRCUS ACTIVITIES"(I like that BTW) of design and artistry will fall right into their wheel house....AND....WOULD BE FUN FOR OUR KIDS TOO.  If the HARDCORE SHOWMEN don't like it......they DON"T have to participate......they can go do what they usually do.  There has to be MORE to SHOWING CATTLE than WINNING or GETTING YOUR ASS HANDED TO YOU!.....and for the past 25 years that's about ALL I've paid attention to.  PEOPLE are wanting to get MORE out of it, OR , THEY"RE LEAVING!  (ask the show pig guys if you don't believe me)

We WILL have to piggy back onto something that has MASS POPULARITY to attract the mainstream media.  I accidentally....on purpose....threw the football scenario out there......EVERYONE LOVES FOOTBALL and combining this with our youth and their projects is bound to get the attention of SOMEONE SOMEWHERE.

Yeah.....we can go out and film INDIVIDUALS doing their own thing on a "farm".....but that shows NO UNITY....... GROUPS of GOOD PEOPLE, doing FUN things with GOOD KIDS is CONTAGIOUS! This might be a little too deep for some of you....but it's going to, AND has to get done as an OFFENSIVE move INSTEAD of a DEFENSIVE ONE....preferably WITH US in it.  We are some of the BEST PEOPLE in the world...and we are CONTINUALLY getting PUNCHED in the MOUTH......it's time to do something other than just BLEED and wish THEY hadn't done that.

You still think I'm on CRACK....dont you.........the "BEEF, IT's WHATS for DINNER" campaign wasn't bad.....they just forgot the last part..."THANKS TO US.....!"



Well-known member
Oct 16, 2009
Why not just a straight "freestyle" fitting contest....  where you leave the direction of the project up to the kids imagination!  As you said.. on a calf that is not gonna b showed... didnt work out...  etc.  There is always a super hairy calf back at somebody's farm that isnt gettn showed that would be perfect.  With just simple freestyle think of all the things people could come up with.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
JBH, I can see the writing on the wall : A Brad Hook Reality TV Show featuring some cattle painted and fit up to resemble their favorite college mascot ! Hey man, you've already got the TV experience, why not ?

On a side note: I take one of our show calves to the Primary School every year on Farm Day to show them how we take care of them differently than most cattle are cared for. I talk to about 400 Pre-k & Kindergarten students in groups of 20 at a time. They are amazed to say the least and I'll bet each one can tell you the names of those calves even after several years. We've taken steers and heifers as well as many other farm animals. Our AG in the classroom program is pretty good down here. I also get to talk cattle, row crop farming, and other AG interests to a group of gifted kids every year as well. I really enjoy being somewhat of an ambassador for the cattle and AG industry. Even got to give my 2 cents to the local Kawanis Club one time. The more fun you make it, the more people listen. I like your ideas and think they will make it fun!


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
eastern ky
i took a yearling bull i had been showing one year to a high school football field that they had marked off in large squares for a little game of "cow patty bingo"....yep...i walked him around for 45 minutes all over the field before he made a patty!  the team had sold the squares and where ever the patty landed, thats who won....it was a pretty big fundraiser for them, lol....

off topic, a little, i know...but something different you can do with your show animals besides walking them in circles around a ring...


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
jbh said:
DL said:
OK sorry I use my brain every day but can't seem to get into this at all .....

OK.......now I'll tell you what's going on.....

I've been contacted by some BIG TIME PLAYERS in some BIG TIME PLACES.......(that's ALL I'll say about them)......wanting to know if I'll help in the development of a campaign to promote "OUR Ag-based way of life"......and they want the AG. YOUTH of AMERICA to be a MAJOR PART of the STORY in the advertising campaign.

I'm looking for a way to include OUR INDUSTRY in this.......in a way that will attract the attention of those who DON"T HAVE A CLUE about WHAT WE DO! (and you know who I mean) We've simply got to get their attention span engulfed in something, and then force feed them the good of our people and industries,...... WITHOUT them knowing they're INGESTING IT!.....
Much like THEY do to EVERYONE through their PROPAGANDA!

The "NON-CIRCUS" activities of our normal cattle showing is like watching a car wreck to THEM......All they can see is a little boy or girl, leading their pet, that they are eventually going to EAT!  Believe me.....that's all I heard in NYC.  The "CIRCUS ACTIVITIES"(I like that BTW) of design and artistry will fall right into their wheel house....AND....WOULD BE FUN FOR OUR KIDS TOO.  If the HARDCORE SHOWMEN don't like it......they DON"T have to participate......they can go do what they usually do.  There has to be MORE to SHOWING CATTLE than WINNING or GETTING YOUR ASS HANDED TO YOU!.....and for the past 25 years that's about ALL I've paid attention to.  PEOPLE are wanting to get MORE out of it, OR , THEY"RE LEAVING!  (ask the show pig guys if you don't believe me)

We WILL have to piggy back onto something that has MASS POPULARITY to attract the mainstream media.  I accidentally....on purpose....threw the football scenario out there......EVERYONE LOVES FOOTBALL and combining this with our youth and their projects is bound to get the attention of SOMEONE SOMEWHERE.

Yeah.....we can go out and film INDIVIDUALS doing their own thing on a "farm".....but that shows NO UNITY....... GROUPS of GOOD PEOPLE, doing FUN things with GOOD KIDS is CONTAGIOUS! This might be a little too deep for some of you....but it's going to, AND has to get done as an OFFENSIVE move INSTEAD of a DEFENSIVE ONE....preferably WITH US in it.  We are some of the BEST PEOPLE in the world...and we are CONTINUALLY getting PUNCHED in the MOUTH......it's time to do something other than just BLEED and wish THEY hadn't done that.

You still think I'm on CRACK....dont you.........the "BEEF, IT's WHATS for DINNER" campaign wasn't bad.....they just forgot the last part..."THANKS TO US.....!"

Why not just tell the truth instead of creating a circus - there is research to show that people like and believe stories about individuals - HSUS uses it quite successfully - you have used it in your various people videos - find some people and tell their story

and ps I am not digging your condescending tone


Well-known member
Mar 9, 2008
Greenfield OH
jbh said:
DL said:
OK sorry I use my brain every day but can't seem to get into this at all .....

OK.......now I'll tell you what's going on.....

I've been contacted by some BIG TIME PLAYERS in some BIG TIME PLACES.......(that's ALL I'll say about them)......wanting to know if I'll help in the development of a campaign to promote "OUR Ag-based way of life"......and they want the AG. YOUTH of AMERICA to be a MAJOR PART of the STORY in the advertising campaign.

I'm looking for a way to include OUR INDUSTRY in this.......in a way that will attract the attention of those who DON"T HAVE A CLUE about WHAT WE DO! (and you know who I mean) We've simply got to get their attention span engulfed in something, and then force feed them the good of our people and industries,...... WITHOUT them knowing they're INGESTING IT!.....
Much like THEY do to EVERYONE through their PROPAGANDA!

The "NON-CIRCUS" activities of our normal cattle showing is like watching a car wreck to THEM......All they can see is a little boy or girl, leading their pet, that they are eventually going to EAT!  Believe me.....that's all I heard in NYC.  The "CIRCUS ACTIVITIES"(I like that BTW) of design and artistry will fall right into their wheel house....AND....WOULD BE FUN FOR OUR KIDS TOO.  If the HARDCORE SHOWMEN don't like it......they DON"T have to participate......they can go do what they usually do.  There has to be MORE to SHOWING CATTLE than WINNING or GETTING YOUR ASS HANDED TO YOU!.....and for the past 25 years that's about ALL I've paid attention to.  PEOPLE are wanting to get MORE out of it, OR , THEY"RE LEAVING!  (ask the show pig guys if you don't believe me)

We WILL have to piggy back onto something that has MASS POPULARITY to attract the mainstream media.  I accidentally....on purpose....threw the football scenario out there......EVERYONE LOVES FOOTBALL and combining this with our youth and their projects is bound to get the attention of SOMEONE SOMEWHERE.

Yeah.....we can go out and film INDIVIDUALS doing their own thing on a "farm".....but that shows NO UNITY....... GROUPS of GOOD PEOPLE, doing FUN things with GOOD KIDS is CONTAGIOUS! This might be a little too deep for some of you....but it's going to, AND has to get done as an OFFENSIVE move INSTEAD of a DEFENSIVE ONE....preferably WITH US in it.  We are some of the BEST PEOPLE in the world...and we are CONTINUALLY getting PUNCHED in the MOUTH......it's time to do something other than just BLEED and wish THEY hadn't done that.

You still think I'm on CRACK....dont you.........the "BEEF, IT's WHATS for DINNER" campaign wasn't bad.....they just forgot the last part..."THANKS TO US.....!"

Brad,  my girls would LOVE the decorate the mascot idea.  I think my kids are very, very typical in the show arena.  By fair time and BEST shows their calves are literally like family.  They would eat this idea up!  And..... ole dad can just sit back, relax, and watch the kids have fun with THEIR projects.  What a novel concept....    I may just steal this idea for our county fair ;D


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
jbh said:
.the "BEEF, IT's WHATS for DINNER" campaign wasn't bad....

it wasn't good either.  it was preaching to the choir.  they need to expand markets, not just reinforce them.

even your voice overs have that "sam elliot" sound to them.  yah, heeeer we are at dennnnnver, wherrrrrrrrrrre theyyyyyyyyy gotttttttttt thiiiiiiiiis thiiinnnnnnnng called the naaaaaaaaaaatioannnaaaaaaal wesssssssssssssteerrrrrrrrrn.        it gets tired, and someone really needs to do some marketing survey's to see what attracts NEW customers.          i remember a time when i was a kid, and most of you ollllllllllldeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrr follkksss remember tooooooooooo, wheeeeeeeeeeennnn cattlemen wore suits with stockmen hats and projected a different image.  the image we project today is a rolled brim baseball hat, fitting stains, maybe some nice pleated wranglers, a thick cotton button shirt with an awe shucks cowboy hat.  we seem to project hey, we're cowboys dang it and your gonna change, not us, you can't citify us.  constantly projecting this cowboy image really is tiresome.  in city people's mind, cowboys in a pinch will eat shoe leather and think it's tender, and they eat a lot of beans, no vegetables or fruit etc etc.


feeder duck

Well-known member
Jan 24, 2007
  At all the Indiana Jr Swine Assoc. shows they have a quiz bowl for the different age groups. Make three divisions just like showmanship. All questions center around industry related news and info. Give the winning kids each $100 or more. If a kid running clippers can make $$$$ and kid running his brain should be worth $$$$$.



Well-known member
Jul 17, 2008
JBH - I have to admit I didn't know the goal in the beginning.  I think I understand better now.  I think this could be genuis.  Might take a few tweaks here and there.  I'm waiting for the day when we can turn on the tube and watch a cattle show on ESPN.  I mean heck if we can show Spelling Bees - why can't cattle shows be on? 


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2009
DL-  we can throw all the facts at 'em we want, Let THE YOUTH TELL THE STORY, its is the kids project, people like kids, most people. Brad was asking for ideas to promote and make everyone think outside the box. I think that is good.

I was on a beef promotion team when I was young. We served beef products at shopping centers, ect.  We had classes that told us how to deal with PETA type!  It was great publicty, but we did not have the wow factor. We did not hit all the people that we needed to.

If you could get a good publicity 'stunt', together, tie it in with, something people like, have an informative twist on it.. should work.

knabe. I spent alot of time on cattlemans boards, the numbers said that Sam Elliot did work.. Not in CA though..  What work's there is not the same that works everywhere else.. and vise versa.. Matthew McConoghy[sp?] also went well.. then we would get reports that they wanted Sam back.  Can't please 'em all and not just one thing one thing is going to work.

I think that people in this country need to see what it is like to be hungry...I mean actully be hungry. then maybe people would appreciate how easy it is to feed their faces.



Well-known member
Apr 24, 2008

Why not just tell the truth instead of creating a circus - there is research to show that people like and believe stories about individuals - HSUS uses it quite successfully - you have used it in your various people videos - find some people and tell their story

and ps I am not digging your condescending tone

I agree that the individual stories work well, and I think that Brad is telling them as well as anyone without the major production cost or a studio or anything behind him, with the Real Barns and Larry Campbell type stuff, but I also see the value in what he is talking about here as well. It reminds me of a task from The Apprentice, and I think it would be a great experience for the kids, but maybe the task could be a little less goofy? IDK, maybe it's right on, or maybe a task related to promoting a breed or the industry or something else ag related would work too.

I might not have read every single post close enough, but I did not sense a condescending tone until your post, DL, but I do agree, don't fight circus with circus.

As for the other ideas, I've been to a bunch of BEST shows in Ohio the last several years and I think that the whole Consolation Division idea would be very well received here. I think they already have a ring A and B at each show but Xenia. If you would stop the 1st and 2nd and maybe even 3rd from each class from entering ring B show, then you would sort off the big dogs most of the time. Then pay the Ring B show like 25% of what Ring A gets. I personally wuld prefer if showmanship were not part of the criteria. At the BEST shows, there is already a seperate show for that. I could be wrong, but I think this style of Ring B would be a big hit among the majority of BEST regulars in Ohio.

A division for first timers was mentioned somewhere above, and while that is a good concept, it can be abused a little as well. We have a Novice Division at BEST shows and it isn't bad, but I do know for sure that most of those who are doing well in it have shown before, they just did not register in the BEST system, so that they would have some under their belt before entering the Novice standings.

I understand completely what Brad is getting at here. I have been selling club calves just long enough to remember when they were WAAYYYY easier to get rid of. Speaking for my own operation, over the last 10 years or so, the numbers have remained constant within 3-5 head or so, the quality has improved every year for sure, and in the last 4 or so years, I have sold less for steer projects each year. The top end is as easy to move as ever and the top price has increased each year, but the rest of the traffic has all but disapeared and the $1500 steer market is nearly non-existent, unless you are willing to sell a $3000 one for $1500. Not only are we going to have to fight for our ag/livestock related lifestyle against the big media grabbing organizations, we are going to have to fight against the much shorter and  easier livestock projects (sheep, hogs, goats, dairy feeders, poultry, etc) for the youth who are involved in 4-H. It is a ton more work and money to be competitive with a beef project, so there is going to have to be a good reason other than winning the show to do it


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2009
Good post throttle, we are going to fight against show pigs, goats ect. we have  been fighting it for a while now!!


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2008
forcheyhawk said:
JBH - I have to admit I didn't know the goal in the beginning.  I think I understand better now.  I think this could be genuis.  Might take a few tweaks here and there.  I'm waiting for the day when we can turn on the tube and watch a cattle show on ESPN.  I mean heck if we can show Spelling Bees - why can't cattle shows be on?  

I have always thought the same thing. I wonder if people outside of the realm of show cattle would get interested if it were getting publicity like that. I think it was when we started a points total thing in Ohio that I began to wonder more about it. I know people in the shows are watching the points each week and stuff. Would people outside the shows pick a favorite and root for them and follow it? People do it with amateur singers, crab fishermen, curling teams, and kids in a spelling bee. Why not with kids showing cattle? In a Discovery Channel or TLC type production, in the style of BBQ Pitmasters, or maybe that cake competition show, I think maybe it would catch on. People who know nothing about cattle (like I know nothing about crab fishing or cake making or competition BBQ) would take interest in the personal stories of the competitors and watch to see how each new show went for them.

Also, I have always thought that likening cattle shows to horse racing would bring in outside attention as well. Say there was a handicapping system, odds-makers, and legal betting on the shows, then I bet more people would be involved.

BTW, if either of these things happens, I will be sueing for royalties, so you might as well just contact me up front ;D