On line sales problems

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Well-known member
May 29, 2008
Anybody else having trouble getting sellers on Breeders World to cooperate on getting semen purchases to you?  Semen was purchased and paid for over 2 months ago.  The seller has given repeated promises that shipment will be arranged "in a few days".  He's going to get right back to me.  It just doesn't happen.  Now the seller won't even return phone calls.  I purchased Liquid Asset, SMF Solution, and Fed Ex semen a few years ago and never got a single response from the seller.  Another $500 shot.  I guess maybe I've learned my lesson.

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
I had the same trouble with an online sale. I purchased in February with intentions of using it in April and May. The semen finally after many many excuses came in July. I had already used other semen. Was told not to worry about shipping charges due to the inconvenience. To this day I get a bill from the shipper and I have replied the seller was to settle the debt due to delay in providing semen in timely manner. That was the last semen I bought online. It was a huge hassle.
The time before the seller was late not quite as late and was to issue a call tag for the tank. We sat on the porch watched UPS pick it up and return it the next day right back to the farm 3 times. I called the seller said you are sending the shipper back to my address after he sent hateful email about me attempting to keep the shipper. I said LOOK AT YOUR CALL TAG you are sending it back to me. I paid the additional fees to get it returned to him without a thank you nothing.

Not sure why its so difficult with private sellers. I have had great luck with Cattlevisions and Top Sires.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2009
Have you contacted the administrator @breeders world? I know what would happen if you hadnt paid for it on time. The deadbeat sellers also need to be held accountable. Thanks for sharing, I guess I wont be buying online unless its from a reputable supplier.


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
I've emailed Breeders World, left a message for the sellers again yesterday.  No response.  Very disappointing, not to mention I'm out over $1,000 for the trouble of following the rules.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2007
Been there, done that as well.  And I was buying semen from people that I thought were reputable.  Learned my lesson on that one.

Never received any semen, nor a refund....

Show Dad

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2007
1 AU from a G2 yellow dwarf star
I have learned to use a release agreement when buying anything "frozen" on any of the auction sites. I ask them in an email to send me and the place of storage a release that is only to be honored with a copy of the receipt of payment. It should list what was and how much was purchased and by whom. It should also state that the semen or embryos are viable.

This allows me as buyer recourse and documentation. While the seller gets protection (and the money) with the receipt clause.
I usually request this before the sale and if they refuse or don't answer I don't bid. If they don't follow through I don't pay.

Also, never buy something stored in a personal tank. This is where I learned the issue about viability. We as the purchasers should expect a product that "works." If not I want a refund.

I am bewildered as to why these auction sites don't have this type of procedure in place. A trustworthy marketplace should be the goal of these auction sites.

I'm still working on live lots but they could be done almost the same way but would take more time to complete.



Well-known member
Dec 25, 2009
Sorry to hear that. $1000.00 is enough that I wouldnt drop the issue. Id file a small claim and at this point I would want my money back. Is the seller even close to you geographically, or sell breeding stock? Im guessing they wouldnt want the bad publicity.


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2012
Makes me wonder if the people freezing the embryos and semen are owed a bunch of money and won't let the genetics go until they have been paid.

If I ever bought any semen or embryos and didn't receive them, I would darn sure tell everyone on every livestock forum that I could get logged in on. 

I would tell everyone who the online auction company was, who the seller was, what the product was, and how much of my money the seller has. 

I don't care who the person is or how "prominent" they are.  If they take my money and don't deliver the goods, they are nothing more than a common thief.  They deserve the reputation of a common thief. 


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
This "purchase" was for $400.  The three lots purchased a couple of years ago actually cost more than $600 total.  The most recent purchase was from a "Genetic" company, not home stored semen.  I was originally told they had shippers, but they were all out, so it might be a week or so.  No problem there.  After a few weeks, after hearing nothing, I called again and was told there was a shipper coming back in two days and my shipping would be lined up then.  More time went by, phone messages were not returned, finally, after over 2 months with no response, I got a little upset.  I tried one more phone call this morning, they actually picked up the phone, and said their shippers were all out, they were boo busy with AIing and flushing their own cows, etc., and if I would send them my address, they would send my money back.  I emailed my address and mentioned that if they ever had a shipper available, I'd still buy the semen, but would pay for it when delivered.  I also mentioned that it would be helpful if they had actually followed through with shipping plans or at least kept me updated.  I just received a response saying I should read the terms of the sale, that the buyer is responsible for shipping and handling.  I assumed that I would incur those costs.  If I need to arrange for my own shipper, then tell me.  I have 2 AI studs that I have worked with, I could have arranged for a shipper.  When the seller tells me he's got shippers and will ship the semen as soon as he can, then I guess I believe him.  If that doesn't work out, then at least have the decency to tell me, return my calls, or at least let me know what's going on.  We'll see how soon my money is returned.  The semen purchased a few years ago was from a "friend", though his on line sale.  I just consider that a "should have know better" deal, I guess.  I understand things always don't work perfect.  Just please let us know what's going on occasionally. 

Jive Turkey

Well-known member
Aug 14, 2008
Tallcool1 said:
If I ever bought any semen or embryos and didn't receive them, I would darn sure tell everyone on every livestock forum that I could get logged in on. 

I would tell everyone who the online auction company was, who the seller was, what the product was, and how much of my money the seller has. 

I don't care who the person is or how "prominent" they are.  If they take my money and don't deliver the goods, they are nothing more than a common thief.  They deserve the reputation of a common thief.

I could not agree more.  See the Trausch Farms thread.

Not sure why people are so afraid to out dishonest dealers.


New member
Jun 26, 2015
I totally agree with this deal. The problem is the Wade Rodgers, Lautner Farms, Otto Show Cattle, and Matt Lautner are the ones who have many online sales over the year are now taking the blows for this and people are scared to by semen online. I would say the people need to know who they are dealing with and stay away from the flakes and want to be show cattle people. Thanks hope you get your issue resolved.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2010
I have bought lots on line, and never had a problem. Most of my embryos were bought online, and a lot of semen. I am glad I have not had problems.... I wish all were handled the way our purchases have been!