One of those tough days

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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
I had to but my old lab down today, she has been with us since we rescued her at 6 months. She was over 14 years old. She has been on the down hill side (cancer) for a little while but always made the trip to the barn in the morning and evening to feed. Last night she just could not get up and this morning she was no better.
Even when you know that the day is coming, it is tough when it gets here.


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2012
vc-I am very sorry to hear that. 

Many of us that have found our way to this forum have an understanding of the bond that exists between man and animal.  It is like nothing else in the world.

The bond is the purest, strongest, and perhaps ONLY real demonstration of "unconditional love".  No matter how nasty our mood may be, they are always happy to see us.  No matter that we forgot about them and left them in the pickup for 3 hours, they are happy to see us.  No matter that we ignore them for a solid week during tax season, they are always happy to see us. 

The relationship always reminds me of a time in my life when my kids were young...and all they wanted to do was be by my side.  It didn't matter if I was doing the most horrible task that there was, they just wanted to be there for it. 

vc, I will be thinking of you and I wish you and your family the best.  All of the happy memories that dog got to be a part of...that is why you rescued her.  That is why your lives intersected when she was only 6 months old.  And when the worst of the hurt is gone, you will think back and ask yourself......who really rescued who?

Take care.


OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
You never really realize it an til they are gone how much they were in your life. We put our German Shepherd down a few years ago and it was like a loss in the family. The current shepherd we have goes everywhere we go. Like you said they are like children and stick with no matter what.
Positive thoughts to you and your family. BTW awesome post TC1!


Well-known member
Aug 25, 2013
You were blessed to have had a faithful companion for so long....and your dear friend was lucky to have known such love. 
May the happy memories you shared always bring a smile to your face and a warmth to your heart.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Thank you all, I know most have all gone through it, heck I have been through it more times than I can count.
It seems like the routines are the parts that hit you, I filled one to many dog bowls this morning, grabbed one to many treats last night., one less dog at the door to great you.
No one stealing heifer feed out of the bucket while I get the gate.

Again thank you and great post tallcool1,


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2013
My dad has to put down his lab about 2 years ago. She went everywhere with him. She was what we would call a "once in a lifetime dog" because a dog like that only comes by once in a lifetime. Sounds like your dog was like that. We are very sorry to hear about your loss.