Our Dumb Calf

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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2008
I didn't want to hijack the other "dumb calf" thread so I started a new one.  When I saw the title it made me think of something my daughter and I spoke about last week.  We have 6 cattle that we are bringing to the county fair.  Of the 6 there are 5 that are very easy to catch in the open lot.  The other is very good at turning her back to you as soon as you try to get a halter on.  We try to get on all sides of her to get her where we can catch her.  I am sure we look like fools going round and round in circles trying to get to her head, she doesn't run off...just turns enough so we can't catch her.  Last week my daughter said "that calf is so dumb" and I told her the heifer was probably thinking the same thing about us...most of the time the ones we think are dumb are really the smart ones.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Our big heifers this year are a hoot too. One has learned to untie herself. Not take the halter off but untie it. She pulls on the end and if that dosnt work she will pull on the safety loop till she has that undone and then pulls till she is untied. You almost have to braid the end because she can undo what looks like a good tie. Also if you have her halter in one hand and have a loop she will pull on the loop in your hand.
The other will come into the alley where we halter them and pick out HER(all 6 have a different colour) and hold it in her mouth. If you are not there to get it fast enough she will take it down the alley and drop it.