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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
"Got Ethics?" Good LORD.  Does she even know what ethics are? Is it ethical to take some very isolated and highly unusual albeit cruel incidents and portray them as an industry standard? Is it ethical to let the horns on a dairy cow grow so that she gores not only other cows, but possibly people as well?  The media makes me sick.

MYT Farms

Well-known member
Oct 28, 2008
Peyton CO
Sick is right. People must think farmers and ranchers are in this just to enjoy going into debt to raise animals and torture them.  ::) I think I need to go barf. The state of the union address and then this are too much for my poor stomach.


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2009
Northern, Indiana
He said the cow looked like it was in pain when they were removing the tail and burning the horns. Well gee maybe it was, but fact of the matter is its a necessary  procedure that is done for the benefit of the animal. When humans have surgeries done that are necessary for our well being and ability of a quality of life does it hurt? HELL YES!!! But its better than the alternative of no surgery or other medical procedure. The thing these people fail to realize is that its done for the animals well being and is better than the alternative.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2009
Etna Green, Indiana
I help milk several times a week and the dairy doesn't have any cows with their tails docked. They definitely get in the way. Doesn't matter what we all do, the hsus is on the attack big time. Do anything you can to support the groups that fight against them. All of the major cattle and farming/agriculture organizations are fighting hard against them. The media needs to do a report on the difference in the hsus and the local humane society. How many people support the hsus thinking they are supporting there local pet shelter? Many. They think they are supporting that nice little puppy they see in the paper. There is not enough awareness in the difference in these two.


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2009
Wapakoneta, Ohio
I also work on a dairy farm. Those sh@t covered tails have hit me in the eyes and across the face. I talk to all my friends that don't live on a farm about what we all do for a living. I always tell them to pass on what I tell them. This video made me sick, seeing how bad the media made dairy farming look. I really hope the media gets its head out of its @$$ and sees that we are just trying to support the world with nutrition.


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Champaign, IL
It's not a convience issue--the reason tails are docked is prevent/limit bacteria (somatic cell counts) from getting in the milk


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
to few of us and they keep breeding, farms will one day be gone from this country outta site outa mind. BUT hay look they saved the horses right? from keeping them from being slaughtered? They bitch but I have yet to see a single ONE of them step up and get their hands dirty.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2008
Liberals!!!  I get so sick of the media and left wing activists.  They are getting to be one of the same.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
simtal said:
It's not a convience issue--the reason tails are docked is prevent/limit bacteria (somatic cell counts) from getting in the milk

I have just reviewed all the scientific literature on tail docking - as most everyone knows the cow's tail is used for flies, communication and locomotion - this is a summary of the literature

- docking the tail results in significant behavioral changes and may result in chronic pain

-more flies settle on tail-docked cows than on intact cows

-tail-docked heifers flick their tails more often and are forced to use alternative
behaviors such as rear leg stomps, feed tossing, and head turning to try to rid themselves of flies

-NO significant differences were found in SCC or udder and leg hygiene scores

-the prevalence of contagious, environmental, and minor pathogens was not significantly different between cows with docked or intact tails

-Tucker and Weary  suggest that with the possible exception of improved worker comfort, producers (and their cows) have little to gain from adopting this procedure

Tail docking has no benefit to the cow, the quality of the milk, or the bottom line and therefore from a welfare perspective should not be a routine procedure for dairy cows


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2009
Etna Green, Indiana
I can deal with tail in the face. Got a pair of scissors right in the parlor for the trimmin. Now if you can tell me how to avoid the sh!+ in the face, I'd be amazed. Gotta love the milkin. The wife hates it when I come home. I can't get enough of it. Anything to pester the wife, I'm in.


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2007
North central -- Nebraska on highway 183 - 30 mi
There is a lot more hungary horses that are not cared for then there use to be cause the old ones people have no humane way of getting rid of them.  Alot of these animals are dumped by a river or park an starve to death because there are to many of them to survive , an you don't see these so called good doers helpinf them,.. The animals or dogs an cats that they get they freeze istantly an when get a truck load  take to incernerator, do that sound like someone interested in the well being of animals ....


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2007
North central -- Nebraska on highway 183 - 30 mi
This is also an example of big business , some dairys have over 15,000 dairy cow at one place , but this has been brought on by trying to make a profit , an through all the government rules an taxes  has forced the smaller dairys
out of business , the family type dairys took better care of them , but to supply all the people we keep shipping in at low cost this is what they have forced upon society ...Fifty years ago when growing up I rode a horse out into pasture night an morning an brought in about 7-8 cows every day an milked them ....most of them before going to school....

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
I have talked to several dairy folks about the tail docking issue. They agree it is NOT something to do.... in their words "If you have ever lost a tip of a finger or squished it off, you know that pain NEVER goes away. Research says it doesn't help milk quality, or cleaniness of udders. It is a practice that many in the industry do not support, but we are afraid if we actually agree with those (I won't type what he said, but I think you know close enough), then they will not know when to stop."

So, I guess if the dairy people think it is unacceptable, then I will let their professional first hand experience guide my opinion.

But, I also agree that livestock agriculture is under attack. Many on here seem to think they are insignificant and that they are just a nuisense that will eventually go away. THEY WILL NOT.  They have used the best war stragety (divide and conquer) and it has worked so far. So I guess the question is, can animal agriculture band together and get our crap in line in order to save our way of life for the next generation???


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Show Heifer said:
can animal agriculture band together and get our crap in line in order to save our way of life for the next generation???

can we dock the tails of HSUS because their pooh keeps hitting me in the face, and also they are unsanitary.  someone needs to give them a bath.  there are two at work and their hair is always oily and they never use deodorant.  they also drive 62 in the left lane and complain they can't slow down the entire commute, but yet, they won't get on the bus.


Sunset Hills

Well-known member
Mar 14, 2009
My dad grew up on a dairy, very hard work.  They dont understand how much hard work and effort goes into their food.  These are extremley rare incidents.  The people who wrote that should have to work that hard.  They've never worked that hard in there lives.

the angus111

Well-known member
Jun 8, 2007
unfortunately the dairy industry has always struggled with reputation.and truthfully it is a ruthless business when it comes to animal welfare,some are worse than others.but with a growing population and demand it is what it is.veal operations would be a hayday for peta and ushs.rusty