Pink Eye

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2007
Bagdad, Kentucky.
knock on wood only one case so far this year. We have very good success with LA-200 using as directed on bottle then we squirt a little dry cow mastitas treatment right on the eye. Its thicker and coats and sticks to the eye well.


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2010
Denison, Kansas
I remember as a kid, and that has been some time ago now that Grandpa would get them in the chute and throw a hand full of rock salt into their eye and that was it. I believe the reasoning behind this was that it would irriate the eye enough and it would tear all of it out and hurt so much that they would hold their eye shut. NOW, how is that for barbaric? I just patch them and hit them with LA 200 to label directions. I am sure the patch helps keep the sunlight out and lesser flys off them but maybe it is more for me so I don't have to look at them and I can just guess what is going on under there.
FLY CONTROL is the best medicine and it would be good to talk to your neighboring pasture owners too about their management program. Flys don't stop at that fence.
Now, we only have problems in one pasture. The one with neighbors! Of couse, it is the one with the lesser faculity. Go figure!