Prayers for all those who were in the wake or aftermath of storms-Iowa Nebr Ill

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mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas

Jim Compton was in the middle of this in a steel commercial building-he said the roof blew off-huge machinist tables and equipment blew everywhere woodframed interior walls basically exploded I saw a short video and had no idea of the extent of damage-It was 75 miles wide and covered 800 miles from ill-Iowa  through Nebraska and other areas Initial estimates are 30 percent of all crops ARE GONE-could be higher-Elevators destroyed by the thousands etc Im very thankful he didnt lose any animals-I even have a heifer at his place This is a short but very sobering video-probably doesnt scratch the surface but scary just the same O0


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Doesn't fit the established........left of center media's.......narrative that Donald Trump sucks. So CNN doesn't care.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
aj said:
Doesn't fit the established........left of center media's.......narrative that Donald Trump sucks. So CNN doesn't care.//// Careful on the Homphobic remarks YOU WILL AROUSE THE LIBERAL ANGST of the  KARMA FAIRY and he she or it will work hours lowering your Karma worse than DS KARMA LOL IM Not satisfied I want to be minus 1000 GET TO WORK KARMA FAIRY O0


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
Tree through the roof of our house, building collapsed, wires down, crops totaled for miles, untold number of metal sheets of all sizes everywhere.  My daughter in Cedar Rapids lost the west 1/4 of her roof, neighbor across the street lost her entire roof that flew through the west side of another house.  Take a look at the satellite photo of the state of Iowa after the storm if you can.  Devastating.  I've seen wind damage many, many times.  Nothing remotely close to this.  Our timber pasture looks a little like the area surrounding Mount St. Helens after the eruption.  Is there any way we can start 2020 over again?


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2015
oakview said:
Tree through the roof of our house, building collapsed, wires down, crops totaled for miles, untold number of metal sheets of all sizes everywhere.  My daughter in Cedar Rapids lost the west 1/4 of her roof, neighbor across the street lost her entire roof that flew through the west side of another house.  Take a look at the satellite photo of the state of Iowa after the storm if you can.  Devastating.  I've seen wind damage many, many times.  Nothing remotely close to this.  Our timber pasture looks a little like the area surrounding Mount St. Helens after the eruption.  Is there any way we can start 2020 over again?
Why?? You want to take 2020 for another round?? Personally I'd like to wrap it up, put a nice little bow on it, then toss it out with the bathwater.  (lol)
But in all seriousness, I'm sorry to hear about all the devastation down there

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