Question about fungus

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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2009
Not sure what it is so I thought some of you might know.. Have a steer with thick crusty patches down his back. I've seen this before on their under belly or between their legs. It seems to itch pretty good cause you scratch it with a curry comb and the steer freezes and loves it. However, you scratch it off and the hair comes with it. It's not all small spots either. some areas are over 6 inches in diameter and some are smaller... Anyone know what this is?


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2011
We have a cow with what sounds like a similar situation and she has what we call "rain rot".  Supposedly you can get rid of it by washing it with an iodine solution a few times a week.  Hers comes and goes, but she has had it for about 3 years.  We don't ever really mess with it other than the occasional brushing she gets.  She is just a working cow (not a show girl), and it doesn't seem to bother her much.  She has only ever had it on her back. 
Now we do have a couple others that get what we think is "scratches" up their back legs between their udder and legs in the winter.  The scratches is in a different location and is more active in the winter months as opposed to the rain rot which we usually notice more in the summer months.  Hopefully this helps.