I pulled CIRDS on Monday PM and 3 did not respond. When I am supposed to put a straw in just in case? I cant remember, its been a long time on a tractor with a broken air conditioner.
Frostback- here is a post from DL from another thread.
Quick answer - should cycle with cidrs...I'll tyr to explain (help me cowboy if I get confused! I have lost my marbles in the past )
imagine 21 cows - one for each day of cycle
day 0 heat
day 1 ovulate
from ovulation to day 6 - CL nonresponsive to lutalyse
day 6 to 15 ish lutalyse responsive CL\
day 16 to 20 should come in to heat naturally
so if you put in cidr for 7 days you should get everyone in the 0 to 6 range over to the CL responsive range
this is easier with a picture but I have to figure out how to get it here...
Frostback, from the spring 2007 ABS sire directory, after pulling cidrs @ 7days, heat ck & breed 72 to 84 hrs, anything that hasn't responded, inseminate & shoot with GnRH. That should be today sometime. Good luck. Brent