Recommendation on Limi Cows

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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2008
Greenfield OH
I have several registered Limi cows with pretty respectable bloodlines.  They are well muscled and of average size for 6 - 10 year old cows.  They are all red.  Over the past few year I've been buying more cross bred and Angus cows, with an emphasis on club calf production for my kid's projects.  I want to keep a few pure-bred Limis on hand if for no other reason than they have been very consistent for me in terms of low birth weight, low mortality, and efficiency/weaning weight.  Also, the packers like them.  However,  I'd like to cross some of them to produce calves with the positive traits of the Limi breed, yet combine genetics that will result in a more "clubby calf."  My question is this: Am I better off to A.I. the Limi's to a front running reg. Angus bull, hope for heifers, and then use these Limflex cows as my club calf producers, or, do I just simply A.I. the pure-bred Limi cows to composite bulls? 

If it's any help, our county fair does not separate Limflex cattle from pure-breds for the breeding Limi class.  It might be nice to compete with one of these for a change! 


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
I know Show heifer had good luck crossing with Jakes Proud Jazz, she is the only one I remember on here breeding Limi's might check with her.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2007
A few years ago my son had a Who Made Who x Limmi cross steer and he was really nice. Did well with him. It seemed to be a good cross. We also have a cow that is out of Cigar and a purebred Limmi and she is one of our better cows.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
I try to stay out of these post but thought I may save you some time. We started with just what you have in the purebred Limis. To save you some years breed to another purebred bull be it a shorthorn or maine then take those true F1 females and breed to your freak clubbie bulls. The half blood limi steers just wont have the show steer look the maine cross calves have. They wont have the hair or bone or back leg set to compete. Some will make OK steers, but the true value will be the females. We still have some halfbloods and quarter blood cows and they will through better steers than the purebreds ever did. The one purebred we still have in herd is used as a reciep.