Red update

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Some of you might have know that I was getting a test to check my mitral valve leakage. I had it Wednesday. Not real fun. Was supposed to be asleep during it but the drugs didn't take effect. I was awake through the whole thing. Not fun having a tube stuck down your throat! I had a sore throat for several days & still find it hard to swallow.

The results of the test was mixed. I have a bad leaky valve but he didn't feel it was time to replace it. He's thinking in about a year. Said it's just not worth the risk of suergery yet. My heart size was good still so that was a factor. I still have to undergo a stress test to make sure.

At least now I can make plans for this spring & summer. I'm looking forward to the new calves & working w/ them. Also really excited about going to the 3 breed Junior Nationals in July! Hope to meet a lot there.

Woody was an excellant nurse & keep me company as I recovered. Killer Kitty was not happy w/ the fact that Woody is napping w/ me. That was always his domain!

All take care & bring some sunshine to Ohio, I'm sick of snow!



Well-known member
Oct 31, 2007
Well I guess that is some good news for you. Glad to hear. My dad has had his bout with the heart problems. He feels 100% better after his quadruple bypass.


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Central Lower Michigan
red said:
Some of you might have know that I was getting a test to check my mitral valve leakage. I had it Wednesday. Not real fun. Was supposed to be asleep during it but the drugs didn't take effect. I was awake through the whole thing. Not fun having a tube stuck down your throat! I had a sore throat for several days & still find it hard to swallow.

The results of the test was mixed. I have a bad leaky valve but he didn't feel it was time to replace it. He's thinking in about a year. Said it's just not worth the risk of suergery yet. My heart size was good still so that was a factor. I still have to undergo a stress test to make sure.

At least now I can make plans for this spring & summer. I'm looking forward to the new calves & working w/ them. Also really excited about going to the 3 breed Junior Nationals in July! Hope to meet a lot there.

Woody was an excellant nurse & keep me company as I recovered. Killer Kitty was not happy w/ the fact that Woody is napping w/ me. That was always his domain!

Glad to hear you're continue to monitor  yourself!  Also very happy for you that you can plan on sticking with your regular activities.  Did they restrict any activities?

All take care & bring some sunshine to Ohio, I'm sick of snow!



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Dori, no restrictions other than the ones I put on myself. I'm finding that doing certain things really wind me. I'm just going to have to make some small adjustments in my routine. Have found that going off the pain pills has been a big plus. Although there are day's I'm miserable my overall health has improved!



Well-known member
May 15, 2007
red said:
Dori, no restrictions other than the ones I put on myself. I'm finding that doing certain things really wind me. I'm just going to have to make some small adjustments in my routine. Have found that going off the pain pills has been a big plus. Although there are day's I'm miserable my overall health has improved!


Red, I am glad that you don't have restrictions, except for some small adjustments... that is great!  I do hope that your overall health just keeps on continuing to improve. 