RJJV Catalyst 26s

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Well-known member
May 14, 2007
Alamogordo NM
Here is a pic of that bull that we have in denver this week.  He is an outcross to just about every maine pedigree out there right now being out of DMCC Lamborgini.  He was born August 20, 2006 at 81 pounds and is a 3/4 blood maine.  We think he is the perfect bull to breed to those chunkier made females that need extension throughout there front 1/3.  He is Monster Butted, Sasquach boned, big footed, and sound as a cat.  He will help out those short strided females that need some correction on ther back wheels.  Anyways,  This pic was taken on Saturday January 12, 2007 at 18 Months of age.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA

double bred midas on the top, habanero, powerplant on the bottom, with an outcross (angus?)

fixing a female bull on top, excellent.

does lamborgini add depth to streamliner double breds? (which, i guess is the opposite of what you are recommending)



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
This bull seems to cut up in the flank pretty good and from the few calves I have seen out of him I would guess he doesn't add much in the way of depth,


Well-known member
May 14, 2007
Alamogordo NM
Yes Jill this bull does need a touch of flank.  We do not for see him helping out in that area.   We also have not had any calves out of him yet.  So I'm not sure what bull you are thinking of but this is not this one.  We only have one coming this spring and plan on breeding everything including the kitchen sink to him this year as long as they have enough middle.  We are recommending him for those Irish Whiskey type females that might need some more extension through their front 1/3 and some help on the go or structure issues.  Same for some of those clubby chunkier bred females that have PHA or TH problems as he has tested clean for both.  Red he had an actual BWT of 81 lbs and is so smooth through his front 1/3 that we are going to try him on some heifers this year.  Knabe, I think that lamborgini does add depth of body as this bull has enough, just wish he had more flank.  I don't think this bull will suck the guts out of one, but I don't think he will add any either. 


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2007
Perry, Oklahoma
Im not to fond of the Lamborghini bull this bulls sire.  I have seen alot of average calves, and no very good ones.  He looks a little coarse in his front shoulders to me.  He also looks like he has quite abt of sheath to me.  This bull could have some nice calves when mated to the right cows.  How hairy is he now he looks like hes lacking a little.


Well-known member
May 14, 2007
Alamogordo NM
I wish I had seen more Lamborgini calves.  The only two I have seen was the Heifer that Dylan Evans won Reserve Grand at Denver with and the $51000 heifer that Holtkamp sold this fall and was champion division 2 heifer at NAILE. Holtkamp also had a fourth or fifth overall at the Iowa beef expo with a lamborgini a year or two ago.  This bull is absolutely one of the best animals I have ever seen through his front 1/3.  He is very good shoulder with a rocket front end.  He also is pictured at 18 months old so yes he has more sheath than those baby bulls pictured at 10 months and he isn't has hairy as those little ones either.  He had so much hair when he was a baby that it folded over his toes but now the bull part has kicked in and he's not as hairy. 


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2007
Alberta, Canada
His age is a tough time to get a bull to look good. They've grown out of being a little fuzzball and not quite grown into being a big bull. (Although I think some of them don't grow at all - guess it saves them from being in that awkward stage  ;)) He looks pretty good for being a teenager. He looks like he has some go to him, a very nice front, as you say, and I would bet that, a year from now, he'll be a very impressive looking mature bull. Congrats!


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
j3cattleco said:
Yes Jill this bull does need a touch of flank.  We do not for see him helping out in that area.   We also have not had any calves out of him yet.  So I'm not sure what bull you are thinking of but this is not this one.  We only have one coming this spring and plan on breeding everything including the kitchen sink to him this year as long as they have enough middle.  We are recommending him for those Irish Whiskey type females that might need some more extension through their front 1/3 and some help on the go or structure issues.  Same for some of those clubby chunkier bred females that have PHA or TH problems as he has tested clean for both.  Red he had an actual BWT of 81 lbs and is so smooth through his front 1/3 that we are going to try him on some heifers this year.  Knabe, I think that lamborgini does add depth of body as this bull has enough, just wish he had more flank.  I don't think this bull will suck the guts out of one, but I don't think he will add any either. 

I'm sorry, I was talking about Lamborgini, we have had a few of his calves.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2007
Perry, Oklahoma
I seen the 51,000 heifer and did not see that in her.  She was nice but awfully common to me.  I think your bull will be nice.  He should impress people for as fresh as he is and being older than all the other display bulls there.  I know its hard to keep hair on a older bull, we have shown bulls before.  You can tell by his leg hair that he had nice hair as a young guy.  Are you selling semen or just shares on him?  I would use him on some of my angus cows.  What kind of cow is he out of.


Well-known member
May 14, 2007
Alamogordo NM
We are just selling semen on the bull.  He will be at REI next week and we should have semen shortly.  He is out of a habanero cow that Gregory's sold through the exposure that Mark Ray bought and we bought her from Throgmartin.  Semen will be available through the owners and SEK. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
noticed that ladyj got a few pictures of your bull!

don't know if this link will work or not


if it doesn't, try this, it's on day two link



Well-known member
May 14, 2007
Alamogordo NM

Thanks for the info.  I just wanted to thank everyone for their input on the bull.  We also got another picture of the bull where he doesn't look so freaky and I put it above.  Without eveyone's opinion we probably wouldn't have taken the time to redirect our goals so thanks for the advice and input.
