Selling a flush

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Well-known member
May 15, 2007
Very similar post to Zach's, but I decided to start a new thread just to make sure that people knew that I was asking some different questions.

If you are selling a flush how would you recommend doing it?  I assume that the buyer usually pays for the semen (I know not always) & flush expenses?  Does the buyer pay for boarding & transport?  I guess what I am asking is what should a seller do & what should the seller require the buyer to do?  Also, would you put a cap on it or just let the buyer have the whole thing?  I was thinking a minimum of 4 freezable eggs.  What would be the best course of action if the flush bombs?  Any advice? 

Thanks in advance!


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2007
Here is what I usually do on my cows - I sell an embryo package guarenteeing 6 #1 eggs with 1 pregnancy if implanted by a certified tech that I agree to. Any eggs above the 6 are prorated at the same cost with the buyer having the option to take as many as they want at that price if the flush is done to a bull that I approve of. I sold a flush on one of my RA donor cows to a club calf bull a year ago - in this instance I only guarrenteed 3 #1 eggs and one pregnancy, the buyer was responsible for the entire flush as I am not in the steer business and don't really need a handful of clubby steers/heifers or embryos around. She flushed 12 #1 eggs and he paid me 12 times the money for the flush. If she had came up empty and the semen used was flush quality, he would have paid me $0.00. That is the easiest way I have found to do this especially if they are flushing your cow to the bull of their choice.


Well-known member
May 27, 2009
Guarantee 8 #1 quality eggs, buyer pays all associated costs except we pay board and transportation to and from facility.  We usually cap it, though an open top is worth more to the buyer.  In the case of a top, we split the embryos exceeding the top.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
Guarantee 6 eggs. Buyer pays board , all costs at the et center, . If he gets 6 , contract is fulfilled, if he gets 20 ,I have one very happy customer. If he gets 3 , then we prorate what he paid me but still pays all et costs. I transport to center for free & he can use semen on bulls I own or own a share in for free. Haven't had any complaints so far.


Well-known member
May 30, 2008
Call me crazy and not to be a naysayer of the suggestions, but as a guy who likes to buy cattle as embryos but also considering the risk involved I would not purchase a flush unless there was a minimum of 6 eggs and no cap. It might cost more, but that is the deal.  Likewise, as a seller,I would only sell the flush outright.  Its the only fair way for the buyer. Seller pays transportation and board. Buyer pays the semen and all collection costs.  Flush must be completed within one year, if less than 6 then prorated or another flush, cost of 2nd flush split between buyer and seller with buyer receiving a total of 6 eggs. 1/2 up front and balance before eggs are released.  If flush can not be completed, then all money refunded.    Buyer and seller negotiate which ET facility does the work.
