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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2009
AAOK said:
-XBAR- said:

God made man,and He made monkeys. 7000 to 10,000 years later, man is still man and monkeys are still monkeys.
It's really quite simple. There is much more hard data for Creation than for Evolution. The link below may help you understand

Mt ST Helen's facts? ??? This debate is entertaining to say the least! (clapping)


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
I suppose if somebody believes that the Earth is only 7-10k years old, then evolution is a hard pill to swallow. If you believe that the earth is 4-5 billion years old, 7-10k years is a drop in the bucket.  All of the evidence for human evolution has been carbon dated to be from 30,000 to 5,000,000 years ago.

What does creationism say about dinosaurs? Also, how does it account for peoples of different racial backgrounds assimilating into entire populations?  Examples would be Mexico, Peru, Brazil, the USA, Russia, Morocco, Egypt, Australia, and Indonesia. 


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Olson Family Shorthorns said:
I suppose if somebody believes that the Earth is only 7-10k years old, then evolution is a hard pill to swallow. If you believe that the earth is 4-5 billion years old, 7-10k years is a drop in the bucket.  All of the evidence for human evolution has been carbon dated to be from 30,000 to 5,000,000 years ago.

What does creationism say about dinosaurs? Also, how does it account for peoples of different racial backgrounds assimilating into entire populations?  Examples would be Mexico, Peru, Brazil, the USA, Russia, Morocco, Egypt, Australia, and Indonesia

"The Tower of Babel"



Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar
What does creationism say about dinosaurs? Also, how does it account for peoples of different racial backgrounds assimilating into entire populations?  Examples would be Mexico, Peru, Brazil, the USA, Russia, Morocco, Egypt, Australia, and Indonesia. 

Genetic Defects - Remember, we started with only two people, one male and one female.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
So you're saying that having different skin colors is a product of genetic defects? I'd call it variation. And that sort of thing emerged from environmental pressures, and the most adaptable survive.  What color were Adam and Eve?

That "tower of babel" is a scary story. Not a very loving God. But he's just the Jewish god right?


mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
I have a question. How did this topic become an argument over Christianity? What does it have to do with the topic? Clearly the boy who committed this terrible act was broken, as are the majority of those that have done similar acts are broken. There is a difference between evil and broken. Hannibal Lecter is evil. Joseph Stalling is evil. Many of these people are broken. They don't have the ability to grasp the ideals that you people are espousing. No amount of religion would have prevented these people from doing the things they have done.

As far as the knowing God and fearing nothing goes  ::), the children that were killed did not have to fear death. HOWEVER, their parents certainly are hurting and fearful of their children losing their lives. Their parents are in pain that can't be understood. Knowing God does not stop the fear of sending your child to school and wondering if he will come home alive.

Once again I have to say that I applaud you people for standing up for your beliefs that are so often attacked while other religions are held to some other lesser standard. But once again I have to say that you are not furthering your cause by implying that if only the nation would "turn to God" this wouldn't happen. If you want to talk to these people you are arguing with about their faith, it would better serve you, them, and Christ by talking to them reasonably, rationally, and privately, preferably in person rather than beating them over the head with scripture they know nothing about in a public forum. /// Well put-even if they do have various levels of religious knowledge-there is so much proselitizing going on ;with good-to unspaekibly evil intent-that its sometimes like alot of noise O0


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
nate53 said:
The shooter needed help and obviously he didn't get it.  Tragic for him and all the victims and families. :'(

I believe this is one of those tragic events where everything was in place. We'll probably never know exactly what happened to this young man but we sure better try and understand it.

This is not about gun control or even about God but it is about a very disturbed individual that for whatever reason felt hopeless and extremely hurt. IMO, his mother should have known not to give her son access to these guns.

He was extremely intelligent and according to current reports his mother did all the talking for him.

I would bet he had an intense resentment towards his Mother which spawned  the coarse of events.



Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
North East, Missouri
Olson Family Shorthorns said:
So you're saying that having different skin colors is a product of genetic defects? I'd call it variation. And that sort of thing emerged from environmental pressures, and the most adaptable survive.  What color were Adam and Eve?

That "tower of babel" is a scary story. Not a very loving God. But he's just the Jewish god right?
Creationism says that dinosaurs were created and now are obviously extinct, from what take a guess.
Tower of Babel:  The people were being prideful and trying to build a tower to heaven or to God.  (disobedience)  God destroyed the tower and  destroyed their ability to communicate with each other (so they scattered).
I never said he was just the Jewish God he is the God of all, the Jews are just his chosen people.  
I agree evolution does occur, environment and genetics will change everything over time.  However man was always man we did not come from monkeys.  The scientific problem I've always had with Darwin's theory is that we have people and monkey's, where is the grey area, where are those that are in between people and monkey?  I will say some people aren't too bright but physically were are very similiar.  
How old is the earth?   I have no idea, it is really irrelevant.  
XBar's theory of different skin colors and languages goes hand and hand with the tower of babel.  We agree (clapping)
How many times have the world's most renowned scientist stated something as complete fact and come to find out years later they were totally wrong?
My belief is my belief and your belief is non belief, that is a freedom I hope we will never lose in this country.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
North East, Missouri
Telos said:
nate53 said:
The shooter needed help and obviously he didn't get it.  Tragic for him and all the victims and families. :'(

I believe this is one of those tragic events where everything was in place. We'll probably never know exactly what happened to this young man but we sure better try and understand it.

This is not about gun control or even about God but it is about a very disturbed individual that for whatever reason felt hopeless and extremely hurt. IMO, his mother should have known not to give her son access to these guns.

He was extremely intelligent and according to current reports his mother did all the talking for him.

I would bet he had an intense resentment towards his Mother which spawned  the coarse of events.
  Agree! 8)


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
nate53 said:
X Bar: for your information the Jewish people are God's chosen people.  I like you XBar but it seems you have so much hate in you (you reject anything that has to do with God and his word).  God gave us all choices (Adam and Eve made a choice), we all make choices everyday that have consequences (good and bad), the choice of whether to accept Jesus as the payment for our sins or to reject it will have eternal consequences for us all.  Here is a very serious ? for Olson, Xbar, and really to everyone, what do you think happens when we die?  Ask yourself this are you willing to sacrifice your soul for eternity if you are in fact wrong about your beliefs or non belief's?

My hate is towards your staunch matter-of-fact affirmations. It makes me cringe.

When I die,  hopefully they'll burry me under and old Oak tree just North of my moms place.  From the subgrade, my decaying body will hopefully leach into the earth and into the grass. This fertilized grass with then be consumed by a 20th generation XBAR cow and so the circle of life will continue. I think it was this guy named Einstein that said energy cannot be created or destroyed; it merely changes form.

Olson Family Shorthorns said:
So you're saying that having different skin colors is a product of genetic defects? I'd call it variation. And that sort of thing emerged from environmental pressures, and the most adaptable survive.  What color were Adam and Eve?

That "tower of babel" is a scary story. Not a very loving God. But he's just the Jewish god right?

The story of the tower of babel is how I was taught there became different ethnicities and languages according to the bible.  According to Christianity,  All who go to heaven must repent, confess, and be baptized acts 2:38.  Belief or faith of existence is not enough as "even the demons believe and tremble."  This being said, because Jews are the "chosen people," they are exempt from these prerequisites and are free to run a muck with me downtown.

I also find it odd people in the cattle business have such a hard time grasping the concept of evolution as so much of what we deal with is about enforced constraints that make our animals evolve into the type we envision.  Topics like selection and variation should be grasped very easily by them but because they think it conflicts with their bible, they won't even entertain the idea (#disabiling your ability to think).  I'd contend the bible doesn't dispute evolution but that's another topic. 



Well-known member
Jul 3, 2010
"I spoke with the funeral home today and was told that the funeral expenses have all been taken care of for the families. However I was told that the Rotary club (which the Director belongs to) has started a fund for the families to handle ongoing issues. All the money will be given to the victims families."

Newtown Rotary
Sandy Hills School Fund
PO Box 263
Newtown CT 06482

This is legit.  I know the person who has contacted the funeral home.  Maybe a small donation can go towards some help for these families down the road.  Counciling for one is expensive and not covered by many insurances.  Helping hands are a step forward for all. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
nate53 said:
How many times have the world's most renowned scientist stated something as complete fact and come to find out years later they were totally wrong?

fact is simply a word that is used for a theory that has gone through several more rounds of failure to disprove.  the premise of the scientific method is that nothing can proven, only that it has so far been able to be disproven.  the scientific method, therefore, can not prove there is no god, nor can it prove there is one.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Olson Family Shorthorns said:
I suppose if somebody believes that the Earth is only 7-10k years old, then evolution is a hard pill to swallow. If you believe that the earth is 4-5 billion years old, 7-10k years is a drop in the bucket.  All of the evidence for human evolution has been carbon dated to be from 30,000 to 5,000,000 years ago.

What does creationism say about dinosaurs? Also, how does it account for peoples of different racial backgrounds assimilating into entire populations?  Examples would be Mexico, Peru, Brazil, the USA, Russia, Morocco, Egypt, Australia, and Indonesia. 

or entire populations segregating into different races.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
knabe said:
Olson Family Shorthorns said:
I suppose if somebody believes that the Earth is only 7-10k years old, then evolution is a hard pill to swallow. If you believe that the earth is 4-5 billion years old, 7-10k years is a drop in the bucket.  All of the evidence for human evolution has been carbon dated to be from 30,000 to 5,000,000 years ago.

What does creationism say about dinosaurs? Also, how does it account for peoples of different racial backgrounds assimilating into entire populations?  Examples would be Mexico, Peru, Brazil, the USA, Russia, Morocco, Egypt, Australia, and Indonesia. 

or entire populations segregating into different races./// I dont see how certain races could segregate and negate obvious genetic features in any small  amount of time-continents werent aware of other continents for many thousands of years:so Im not sure various races were even aware of each other untill the first attempts at exploring the oceans etc-which in the overall scheme of things-were a scant 23-2500 years ago. O0


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
People went to different places and became land races. If few enough went due to things like being differentiate pretty easy for this to occur 50 to 20,000 years ago. Remember, the ocean was probably 100-300 feet lower maybe even 400 feet lower. Lots of evidence for gone civilizations are at those depths. Animals like to live at the boundaries of environments.  It's pretty easy to imagine how easy it was to travel with the ocean 400 feet  lower. It would have been much easier to go across much larger islands in the pacific. Animals like to cohabit with those who are like them. It's only a recent construct to impose that people mix and to deny our dark sides that has existed since forever. I find it curious that only whites must allow the most dilution of themselves and why other cultures are not held to the same standard. Africa and Asia come to mind.  In america why aren't non whites held account for not welcoming those who are different?  Why is it only whites must give up their culture. I find it extremely annoying and racist.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
Nate- The grey area between human beings and monkeys are all extinct now.  Some examples include Homo habilis, Homo ergaster, Australopithecus africanus, and several other species within those and other genus'.  I did a bit of study on human evolution in high school and college, thinking I would like to pursue that as a career choice.  Quite a few of the extinct species could have been absorbed into more dominant species that lived at the same time.  Some findings show that Homo Neanderthalensis was absorbed by Homo Sapiens as the two species lived alongside one another.  We don't have as much information the further back we do in the fossil record, but the evidence is really quite extensive if you care to look at it.

Also, chimpanzees and other apes did not necessarily pre-date the first hominidae. There is significant evidence for a common ancestor, and there was a split there. Our ancestors were more apt to walk the ground, which led to many evolutionary traits; such as the ability to run for extended amounts of time, more tool usage than all other apes, sophisticated hunting techniques, and language.  Chimpanzees' ancestors stayed more in the trees, and followed in more of a straight evolutionary line compared to ours since there were less environmental variances among other pressures.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Rhome, TX
I have a question. How did this topic become an argument over Christianity? What does it have to do with the topic? Clearly the boy who committed this terrible act was broken, as are the majority of those that have done similar acts are broken. There is a difference between evil and broken. Hannibal Lecter is evil. Joseph Stalling is evil. Many of these people are broken. They don't have the ability to grasp the ideals that you people are espousing. No amount of religion would have prevented these people from doing the things they have done.

As far as the knowing God and fearing nothing goes  ::), the children that were killed did not have to fear death. HOWEVER, their parents certainly are hurting and fearful of their children losing their lives. Their parents are in pain that can't be understood. Knowing God does not stop the fear of sending your child to school and wondering if he will come home alive.

Once again I have to say that I applaud you people for standing up for your beliefs that are so often attacked while other religions are held to some other lesser standard. But once again I have to say that you are not furthering your cause by implying that if only the nation would "turn to God" this wouldn't happen. If you want to talk to these people you are arguing with about their faith, it would better serve you, them, and Christ by talking to them reasonably, rationally, and privately, preferably in person rather than beating them over the head with scripture they know nothing about in a public forum.

First off, I was being facetious about the believing in God and gun control.  And secondly, GONEWEST, I don't think they are listening to your post here.