Shorty hf bulls

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Is it sticking out or differentiating your product? Kit  did a bull test deal next to one of dads pastures. It was a roughage test deal. Cody Mac bought that ranch last year. Anything that looks and gains good coming off that deal is a survior. You will not identify these cattle unless you put them under pressure and for better or worse these herd sires were under scrutiny!jmo Will these cattle work in different enviroments? I think they will but I don't have a clue how cattle are handled in say Iowa. Its been 25 years since I been there.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2010
Tasmania Australia
If you breed for feed efficiency are you sacrificing maternal traits ? It concerns me the as the blacks chase FE fertility will decline.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2007
AJ, looks like the medication is working or did your wife figure out your password? :)


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
coyote said:
AJ, looks like the medication is working or did your wife figure out your password? :)

I gotta agree with you. aj even said that there was some hard doing cattle out there besides a Shorty.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I think the Angus probably have more numbers of hard doing cattle of any breed. Out here you see some really thin black bulls over the fence that are high numbered big named bulls. I think its been so long that these commercial people have tried anything but an Angus that they are kinda stall blind to fleshing ability cause they don't have anything to compare to.jmo


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
I wish shorthorn had the commerical marketing    like Angus??  I have met more Angus breeders then shorthorn breeders that SEE THe VALUE IN A F1 .....
for the angus guy it's just a matter of finding the right Shorthorn breeder..........


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2010
sue said:
I wish shorthorn had the commercial marketing    like Angus??  I have met more Angus breeders then shorthorn breeders that SEE THe VALUE IN A F1 .....
for the angus guy it's just a matter of finding the right Shorthorn breeder..........

The Canadian Shorthorn Association took it upon themselves to advertise in Canadian cattlemen magazines.  This has  helped generate interest in using Shorthorns on commercial programs in my area for sure.  I am posting the link to the ads archive on the Canadian Shorthorn website.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2010
jaimiediamond said:
sue said:
I wish shorthorn had the commercial marketing    like Angus??  I have met more Angus breeders then shorthorn breeders that SEE THe VALUE IN A F1 .....
for the angus guy it's just a matter of finding the right Shorthorn breeder..........

The Canadian Shorthorn Association took it upon themselves to advertise in Canadian cattlemen magazines.  This has  helped generate interest in using Shorthorns on commercial programs in my area for sure.  I am posting the link to the ads archive on the Canadian Shorthorn website.

I commend the CSA for their promotion. Now, breeders themselves need to complement that with their own ads


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
thunderdownunder said:
jaimiediamond said:
sue said:
I wish shorthorn had the commercial marketing    like Angus??  I have met more Angus breeders then shorthorn breeders that SEE THe VALUE IN A F1 .....
for the angus guy it's just a matter of finding the right Shorthorn breeder..........

The Canadian Shorthorn Association took it upon themselves to advertise in Canadian cattlemen magazines.  This has  helped generate interest in using Shorthorns on commercial programs in my area for sure.  I am posting the link to the ads archive on the Canadian Shorthorn website.

I commend the CSA for their promotion. Now, breeders themselves need to complement that with their own ads
What we really need to do is get organised and collect more carcass and feed out data because shorthorns literally kick ass on most of the tests they have been in. What other breed can offer maternal, carcass ,feed conversion and pounds of gain. No wonder the commercial men that have been using Shorthorns in their commercial programs in Canada keep buying more bulls- especially if they are going the retained ownership route on their steers.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2010
Okotoks said:
thunderdownunder said:
jaimiediamond said:
sue said:
I wish shorthorn had the commercial marketing    like Angus??  I have met more Angus breeders then shorthorn breeders that SEE THe VALUE IN A F1 .....
for the angus guy it's just a matter of finding the right Shorthorn breeder..........

The Canadian Shorthorn Association took it upon themselves to advertise in Canadian cattlemen magazines.  This has  helped generate interest in using Shorthorns on commercial programs in my area for sure.  I am posting the link to the ads archive on the Canadian Shorthorn website.

I commend the CSA for their promotion. Now, breeders themselves need to complement that with their own ads
What we really need to do is get organised and collect more carcass and feed out data because shorthorns literally kick ass on most of the tests they have been in. What other breed can offer maternal, carcass ,feed conversion and pounds of gain. No wonder the commercial men that have been using Shorthorns in their commercial programs in Canada keep buying more bulls- especially if they are going the retained ownership route on their steers.
Agreed. But there's no point getting all that data without promoting it. Plenty of breeders and breed associations claim fantastic results, but when do we ever see them?


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
Redbulls#2 said:
TGIB- Your Ramrod bull is one of my favorites in the breed. He looks like a bull should look. Do you have any pictures of daughters you could post?
One of Saskvalley Ramrod's sons was Grand Champion at Edmonton Farmfair. A repeat from Olds with a JPJ bull again getting Reserve Champion


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
Okotoks said:
Redbulls#2 said:
TGIB- Your Ramrod bull is one of my favorites in the breed. He looks like a bull should look. Do you have any pictures of daughters you could post?
One of Saskvalley Ramrod's sons was Grand Champion at Edmonton Farmfair. A repeat from Olds with a JPJ bull again getting Reserve Champion



Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
garybob said:
Okotoks said:
Redbulls#2 said:
TGIB- Your Ramrod bull is one of my favorites in the breed. He looks like a bull should look. Do you have any pictures of daughters you could post?
One of Saskvalley Ramrod's sons was Grand Champion at Edmonton Farmfair. A repeat from Olds with a JPJ bull again getting Reserve Champion

I think this will take you to the photos from Edmonton. The Champion is Paintearth Rama and he is the bull on the right and bottom with the white in his heartgirth.The bull above is JSF Addicted.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010


Well-known member
Nov 18, 2010
Hay Springs, Nebraska
Well, after much contemplation, I have decided to take the dive into the depths of SP.  It is hard to describe this thread with one word but "remarkable" may be the best term for it. I have been following it almost since it's inception and it just keeps getting better!WOW  There are a lot of things I want to say but just not enough time to say it all.  Is there a birthweight problem "in general" in the shorthorn breed - absolutely.  Are there numerous calving ease options in the shorthorn breed awaiting use?? Not really IMO.  Are there more "common sense" calving ease options available today than there was 5 years ago?? Absolutely!  Are we as a breed making progress in lowering birthweights and addressing problems that have hampered our ability to appeal to mainstream beef producers?? I think so. Are shorthorn producers who are raising red, polled cattle and targeting the commercial cowboy bull market blaming the "other" shorty breeders for their lack of success?? No, no, no, no, no.  For one, I am experiencing great success selling the "right kind" of RED shorty bulls into black cowherds, so i really dont have any qualms with the other end of the breed, what they do does not affect my ability to market my cattle.  Do we need to worry about making our birthweights too small at this point in the game???? Are you serious??? NO! I have had plenty of light birthweight (55 - 65) calves born in severe cold, snowy, icy conditions that pop right up and nurse and never see a barn to tell you that the "too big" ones are much more of a problem than the "too small" ones......give me a break.  Many of these small little calves are 6 and 7 generations of negative BW epd cattle and low and behold I keep every heifer from these matings and have not seen the decline in pelvic area or "calvability" in these females, I love 'em and until I am proven wrong on this in my own operation I will continue to do so. 
I look forward to the bombardment of the western nebraska hillbilly  <cowboy>- go huskers



Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
aandtcattle said:
Well, after much contemplation, I have decided to take the dive into the depths of SP.  It is hard to describe this thread with one word but "remarkable" may be the best term for it. I have been following it almost since it's inception and it just keeps getting better!WOW  There are a lot of things I want to say but just not enough time to say it all.  Is there a birthweight problem "in general" in the shorthorn breed - absolutely.  Are there numerous calving ease options in the shorthorn breed awaiting use?? Not really IMO.  Are there more "common sense" calving ease options available today than there was 5 years ago?? Absolutely!  Are we as a breed making progress in lowering birthweights and addressing problems that have hampered our ability to appeal to mainstream beef producers?? I think so. Are shorthorn producers who are raising red, polled cattle and targeting the commercial cowboy bull market blaming the "other" shorty breeders for their lack of success?? No, no, no, no, no.  For one, I am experiencing great success selling the "right kind" of RED shorty bulls into black cowherds, so i really dont have any qualms with the other end of the breed, what they do does not affect my ability to market my cattle.  Do we need to worry about making our birthweights too small at this point in the game???? Are you serious??? NO! I have had plenty of light birthweight (55 - 65) calves born in severe cold, snowy, icy conditions that pop right up and nurse and never see a barn to tell you that the "too big" ones are much more of a problem than the "too small" ones......give me a break.  Many of these small little calves are 6 and 7 generations of negative BW epd cattle and low and behold I keep every heifer from these matings and have not seen the decline in pelvic area or "calvability" in these females, I love 'em and until I am proven wrong on this in my own operation I will continue to do so. 
I look forward to the bombardment of the western nebraska hillbilly  <cowboy>- go huskers


Well you western hillbilly, IT'S ABOUT TIME you got on here and set this place staight. How about that a shorthorn breeder selling red bulls to guys running black cows. I love it. Good for you Aaron. Keep up all the good work. Another  breeder trying to breed consistent cattle. What is the shorthorn world coming to?? <beer>