Should debate be delayed (Im not political just thought it would be interesting)

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Should Friday nights debate be delayed

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 66.7%
  • NO

    Votes: 10 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2007
As I said in the subject Im not at all political but I heard this on the news today and thought it might be interesting to know everyones opinion


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
one thing is clear.

we should debate about the debate.

to me, this is pretty silly.  the debate should not be delayed.  i mean really, what could either one of them really offer on economics.  would you let either one of them run your business?  the reason we are in this mess is because of the government mandating subprime loans to people who couldn't afford a house in the first place and driving up real estate prices (along with mortgage interest exemptions, property tax exemptions, interest only loans, anything other than 20% down and any other subsidy) and making it even more difficult for lower income people to afford a house.  all the government does is drive up the cost of everything with these bribes to constituents and putative constituents.  what is so wrong with renting?  i did it for 40 years.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2007

I totally agree with you (wow thats new) hehe

I think they should debate as I would be interested to hear on how each of them approach the subject,  I just think McCain does not want to look bad because of how
awful the current administration looks.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
Interesting turn about of positions---McCain has been asking Obama to debate for several months and now, because McCain wants to postpone for a week,  the Obama people say he is trying to dodge him.    I agree with McCain--the politics can wait for 3-4 days---lets make sure they don't ram through some quick fix that just makes the problem worse.  I don't know what's so critical about a drop dead date of Friday for this quick fix.    Seems like some of the congressional people would like this to happen before any real discussion or evaluation takes place.  That bothers me a lot more than postponing a debate where most of the answers will be "canned" anyway.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
As I understand it Mcain introduced a bill to kinda restucture the deal in like 2004. It was voted down mainly by the democrats. I don't think very many of us know how serious this deal is. I htink Mcain is way ahead of the curve on this one to start with. I hated economic classes. I have a hard time imaging the difference between billions and millions of dollars. It sounds like Barney Frank and Dodd butts are kind of hanging in the breeze on this one. What is is difference between national debt and national deficit? I guess I am a economic conservative and more liberal on social issues. One thing you can say about Mcain is that he is genuine. I disagree with alot of his stands but he is my vote I guess.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Ya know....IMO for what its worth....they are both still elected officials right?  Still getting a pay check right?  I say delay the thing and do the job they are paid for.  Maybe if they stepped in and added something worth while to the whole dang mess it would help.  Guess I'm cranky tonite!


Well-known member
May 7, 2008
North Texas
I think McCain is showing a sign of leadership by going to Washington  and getting off the campaign trail. Obama said "if you need me just call me", not the answer I want in a Presidential Candidate. BTW McCain has already tried to have Town Hall meetings with Obama, but he declined the invite. I hope Obama is up there debating himself while everyone else is trying to fix the horrible mess our politicions have created.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2007
Carthage MO
They are Senators first and presidential candidates second.  I am not sure that anyone that is a sitting senator or representative should be allowed to run for another office while ensureing that they keep their day job in case they fail.  If you are on the presidential campaign trail how are you taking care of the day to day business of this country?  Impossible.

I think an interesting statistic that has not been widely publicized is how many days that Obama and McCain were actually in Washington DC and participating in the running of the Senate.  I honestly don't know the answer to this but I will lay odds that is not many. ( Knabe? do you have that info?)

Gutsy move on McCains part and the right move in my opinion.  This bill needs to be well thought out and not rushed through.  The long term financial implications are staggering no matter how this is handled.  We will all be affected by this and should be paying attention.  I know that any time the news media focuses on how bad the economy is my customer count drops and $$$ per customer drop for several days and then it moves back to normal.  The news media has a profound effect on the economy of this country just in the manner in which they report the economic news.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
SWMO said:
( Knabe? do you have that info?)

no info.  i do find it interesting that obama saw to it to vote FOUR times against fourth term abortion and present on over one-hundred other bills while in Ill, even though the US senate voted for it like 93-0 or something with boxer, feinstein and a bunch of other abortionists voted for the restriction.  he was concerned about withholding rights from a human who somehow managed to survive an abortion.

what a coward.  basically, no one can comprimise on abortion, and so most of the rest of the issues suffer as all we get are extremist decisions.

my dad did say last night something funny.  he said hannity and colmes are waaaaaaaaaay more political than anyone in either party.


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2008
BIGTEX said:
I think McCain is showing a sign of leadership by going to Washington  and getting off the campaign trail. Obama said "if you need me just call me", not the answer I want in a Presidential Candidate. BTW McCain has already tried to have Town Hall meetings with Obama, but he declined the invite. I hope Obama is up there debating himself while everyone else is trying to fix the horrible mess our politicions have created.
I agree 100%!!

Obama just wants to talk and make himself look good, but what about taking care of the real job at hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Central Lower Michigan
justme said:
Ya know....IMO for what its worth....they are both still elected officials right?  Still getting a pay check right?  I say delay the thing and do the job they are paid for.  Maybe if they stepped in and added something worth while to the whole dang mess it would help.  Guess I'm cranky tonite!

I gotta agree with you on this one, justme.  I don't agree that neither of them can "do anything about it".  They are still supposed to be representing their constituency and people expect their representatives to - well - represent them!  I was, as usual, totally unimpressed with Obama's comment when dissing McCain's suggestion that the debate be put on hold that he, McCain, should be able to do more than one thing at a time.  As in, do the debate and, then, go to DC.  Ugh! Another hit at McCain's age, methinks!


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
1:15 pm thursday....decision has been made by the " committee"..( mccain or obama wasnt part of any of it )......i think in a crisis mccain had to go back to washington and get in his " comfort zone" ( washington dc captial crowd )...obama seemed to be comfortable staying in his comfort zone...out and about with the folks......i'm anxious to see what mccain contributed to the committess decision ......looks like its back to abortion/ and taxes/ and war  for the rest of the republicans campaign rethoric....yo do have to his admire his ability  to finish up his campaing and personal pro campaining apperances in "friendly tv  territory" in new back last night and be a such a key player in saving or ecomony this morning.....he should be elated to speak with the american people tomorrow night,....dosent this make him a hero.. again?  what would we  have done without him, and his "johnny on the spot" input...i did however have to give obama a thumbs up for taking questions from the media, after his respone to mccain's decision to  rejoin the "herd in washington" and try to postpone the "tasks at hand "...mccain came out...made a statement....and walked off....obama fielded questions....basically till they were done asking.......i guess everyone should just wait, till mcains sure he'll get around to it ....who nows he may even show up tommorrow night.....i'm sure  katie couric's make up folks can get the egg off his face in time for the "show"......and with a strong woman ( or two ) at his side....he'll do just fine.....let the debates begin.....holly cow we've been watching/listen'/ and hearin' this crap for a year now.....the fourth quarter is when a close  game is won....six minutes left in the game....and both sides are out of timeouts......jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
lets not forget that it has been a series of people who have contributed to this mess, starting with clinton to address redlining and fears of fines to financial institutions who didn't give, oops lend money to people who couldn't afford it.  even though this was perfected by bush, remember the everyone needs a house, even if they can't afford it speech, but he also tried to rein in fannie and freedie, but schumer, dodd and frank woudln't let him using the same techniques repubs use now to stop stuff.  even mccain saw the writing on the wall, but of course the in the tank media won't blare it.  it's amazing how these give aways seem to have a time lag to benefit communists,oops, democrats while the bumbling repubs are in office.  if the repubs would just stick to their principles and not cave in to wolfowitz.  people seem to forget how many people clinton bombed from 50,000 feet.

basically, we have one party in charge.  it's time for them to go.  we don't need term limits for congress, we need term limits for voters.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
lets not forget that it has been a series of people who have contributed to this mess,

im sure theres going to be enough blame and he said/she said stuff to go around for quite always seem to come after its time to start the first debate...tomorrow....we'll see how the talk with the president went today with the both of them.....maybe he will share the area 51 stuff with them........and tell them how to handle next months revelations on et's.....maybe money just isnt what it used to be anymore.....i agree the topic could certainly be redirected...( if evereones ready???)...but i really doubet if maccain will pass  up the chance to get back in his holding cell in hanoi with millions of the whole of amercian as a "captive audience" on tv........lets roll..................jbarl


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
I am still amazed at the number of people that evidently think the government will do something to help them or an elected official truly has anything but their own self interest at heart.  It is painfully obvious that the top priority for a politician once he or she is elected is to be reelected to maintain their seat on the gravy train.  And how do they get reelected?  By paying back their gracious donors with political favors that line their mutual pockets.  Just like the sub-prime mortgage mess, this did not just start last month.  It has been going on for as long as I remember and will not stop because we put up with it.  We deserve and should demand better from our representatives.  Regardless of the spin the political parties or the media put on it, the economic mess that was "just discovered" is truly a bipartisan effort.  Anyone that believes a politician can solve their problems or even cares about them is sadly mistaken.  Maybe there's a reason those 'people in the rural regions of Pennsylvania' rely on their religion.  We have travelled so far from the days of 'Ask not what your country can do for you, etc.,' to what can I squeeze out of somebody. 


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
oakview said:
.  Maybe there's a reason those 'people in the rural regions of Pennsylvania' rely on their religion.  We have travelled so far from the days of 'Ask not what your country can do for you, etc.,' to what can I squeeze out of somebody.   

it got changed to ......" im not a crook".....and ......"read my lips".........for  a while...... :D....jbarl