Shrinking a steer

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2010
Heres the deal.... our county fair weigh in is july 10th. Right now our steer weighs 1370. He is gaining 3 pds. A day and he. Is only on 14 pds of show chow... advice? We figure he should weigh round 130 or so at weigh in. So should we keep feeding and then shrink him down for weigh in!  How do we do this? Next problem we show the next day on the 11th. Can we get him to drop a hundred then get it. Back on by the next day? Or should we hold him back! Thanks!


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
I would put him on 3 pounds oats, 6 pounds of Beet pulp, and 1 pound of Calf-Manna, 1 pound of Stabilized Rice Bran, a feeding.
Is the 1370 empty or full, it would help to know that first. Weigh him full and then weigh him empty, we do this by weighing in the morning for full, and weighing at the end of the day after they have been stalled all day for empty (no feed or water in the stall). This will let you know how much weight you really have to pull off of him.

We have used this method to pull weight off of a few:

3 days prior to fair;
Evening: remove water trough, give steer a 5 gallon bucket of water with electrolytes . Full feed and hay

2 days prior :
Morning: Give steer 5 gallons of water with electrolytes (3 scoops) we use Refresh from Sullivan's. Full feed and hay

Evening: Give steer 2.5 gallons of water with electrolytes (3 scoops) do not leave it in over night once he drinks remove it. ½ ration of feed and flake of hay

1 Day prior:
Morning: 1 Gallon of water with 6 scoops of electrolytes, Flake of hay

Evening: ½ gallon of water 8 scoops electrolytes (you may need to drench him with this if he won't drink it). Half flake of hay

Day of: once at the fair he gets nothing until you weigh in.

Immediately after weigh in: 2 gallons of water 8 scoops of electrolytes, 3pounds of beet pulp/oats (wet), hay.

One hour later: 2 gallons of water 4 scoops of electrolytes, 2 pounds beet pulp, 1 pounds grain, 1 pound oats, flake of hay.

One hour later: Offer half bucket of plain water

Evening: Water him; feed him 3pounds beet pulp, 2 pounds grain, 1 pound oats, flake of hay. Give him tube of  Pro-biotics. (Cellarator Turbo Paste)

Day after weigh in: (morning and evening) He should be back to normal as far as eating a drinking goes. Feed him his regular feed ration, full flake of hay and water often.


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2011
vc said:
I would put him on 3 pounds oats, 6 pounds of Beet pulp, and 1 pound of Calf-Manna, 1 pound of Stabilized Rice Bran, a feeding.
Is the 1370 empty or full, it would help to know that first. Weigh him full and then weigh him empty, we do this by weighing in the morning for full, and weighing at the end of the day after they have been stalled all day for empty (no feed or water in the stall). This will let you know how much weight you really have to pull off of him.

We have used this method to pull weight off of a few:

3 days prior to fair;
Evening: remove water trough, give steer a 5 with electrolytes gallon bucket of water with electrolytes . Full feed and hay

2 days prior :
Morning: Give steer 5 gallons of water with electrolytes (3 scoops) we use Refresh from Sullivan's. Full feed and hay

Evening: Give steer 2.5 gallons of water with electrolytes (3 scoops) do not leave it in over night once he drinks remove it. ½ ration of feed and flake of hay

1 Day prior:
Morning: 1 Gallon of water with 6 scoops of electrolytes, Flake of hay

Evening: ½ gallon of water 8 scoops electrolytes (you may need to drench him with this if he won't drink it). Half flake of hay

Day of: once at the fair he gets nothing until you weigh in.

Immediately after weigh in: 2 gallons of water 8 scoops of electrolytes, 3pounds of beet pulp/oats (wet), hay.

One hour later: 2 gallons of water 4 scoops of electrolytes, 2 pounds beet pulp, 1 pounds grain, 1 pound oats, flake of hay.

One hour later: Offer half bucket of plain water

Evening: Water him; feed him 3pounds beet pulp, 2 pounds grain, 1 pound oats, flake of hay. Give him tube of  Pro-biotics. (Cellarator Turbo Paste)

Day after weigh in: (morning and evening) He should be back to normal as far as eating a drinking goes. Feed him his regular feed ration, full flake of hay and water often.
Best advice on here in awhile


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2009
Western Wisconsin
No kidding!  That is some very detailed information. Must be speaking from experience. What weight loss do you get with this recipe?


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
From full 75- 110
Empty 35- 55

A full calf can weigh an easy 60 pounds more than an empty one just in 12 hours, that is why you want to weigh them full and empty just to find where you really stand on weight.


New member
May 23, 2020
Many people are working on the same topic which is the shrinking on the steer on a very easy and short time to describe well. This is transtutors legit topic for all of you who know about the real fact behind it and use it wisely.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
vc said:
I would put him on 3 pounds oats, 6 pounds of Beet pulp, and 1 pound of Calf-Manna, 1 pound of Stabilized Rice Bran, a feeding.
Is the 1370 empty or full, it would help to know that first. Weigh him full and then weigh him empty, we do this by weighing in the morning for full, and weighing at the end of the day after they have been stalled all day for empty (no feed or water in the stall). This will let you know how much weight you really have to pull off of him.

We have used this method to pull weight off of a few:

3 days prior to fair;........

great post.  it great when your animal is trained like that.