First of all, not a darn thing is wrong with this two-breed cross. Heterosis is the only "free lunch" there is in this biz.IMO, the heifer calves from this cross will be IDEAL for Crossing with a Red, Appendix-free Shorthorn Bull, or, a good (not half club-calf) Durham Red. Two, your pair pictured, looks just fine, to me. Hey, she's young, with a good udder, and, appears to be doing an excellent job.Very good fertility and lower maintenance costs in those Herefords. Third, too many people on this site are heavily into show ring selection. Ask yourself this, "Self, when was the last time you heard an order buyer discount a set of calves for lacking hair, or style?" Nor, will they give you more money for zipper fronts. Your Steer has plenty of cover. He ain't so bad, that you gotta hide him under more hair than "Gossimer", either.