simsolution bull

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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2011
Quick fire said:
Try Real Steel. I have seen his dam and she is one stout beast. Regardless of what the Hairetta cow family is made up of breed wise, they are one of the MOST consistent group of cattle I have ever seen. I have seen over 10 Hairietta daughters and you can tell one when you see one. Yes, clubbys have consistency, God forbid I say that on this forum. Some people say "well when you look at all the Hairietta AI sons pictures they don't look consistent, they don't look alike." That's because they are pictures, many done by different photographers. If you see them all in person you can see the true consistency. My vote is real steel. Proven genetics, and it's your cow, breed her how YOU want to. The Foundation bull has also had some very good heifer calves that I have seen. I wouldn't blame you if you tried him too! Good luck

Thank you! I agree with you completely and i dont know you, but so far i am really liking your point of view!!!  : ;)