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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
"I think that you are not alone in being someone who got to this point by trusting people who clearly were either (1) lying and high on the slime-o-dex, but they talked good! (2) not the sharpest tacks in the box (gee that is the 48th ugly fat waterlogged calf we have had this year - now ain't that bad luck) (3) greedy and able to dispose of calves born with PHA (and the cow of course in some cases) because the were going to raise the great one (4) unethical (5) put a higher value on screwing people out of $ than either the people themselves, their livelihood, or their stock (6) all of the above."

Wouldn't it be great if we could put together a list of the bad boys out there so that the new guy didn't have to make the same mistakes that we did, not just with defects, but with the business in general.  My husband and I are I guess just very trusting people (and I guess a little slow) we now have a policy that everyone gets one chance to screw us and then they are done.  I can remember how disheartened we felt to find out that the sale prices you see listed are just smoke and mirrors, we had spent a lot of money thinking that it was an investment and someday there would be a return, boy were we suprised.  I know there are less than honest people in ever business but the purebred/clubby business seems to have an unusually high percentage.



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I'm like you Jill, I'll give them one chance & if I'm treated poorly or unfairly, you're not going to get my business. Poor sale managers, dishonest sellers, salespeople that won't follow-up; those are all on my list.
It's too competative out there for people not to try & be up front & honest with you, but it happens.
Word of mouth is about the best thing I can think of. If you treat me right, I'll sing your praises to the moon. If not, well then sorry!



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
though i agree with the sentiment, i wouldn't publish a list.  the list of carriers is enough in my book.  I would like to see a column of breeder, and all owners of them published with the list.  all i have to do is see who they are, talk with the owners etc and express my concerns if i am interested in their product.  economics is a great tool.  I would like to allow the propogators an opportunity to make it up.  granted, it's great to get revenge, but some of the people got caught up in the whole thing, and didn't do what everyone wanted them to do once in the headlights.  some may have not had a handle on how simple it was going to be inthe end to figure out who is who.  I view this as a HUGE reshuffling of the deck for new breeders and bloodlines.  and believe me, some, not all, will gladly sell an animal to the propogators, as they are good at it.  I would sell one of mine if they liked it.  Remember, the non-carriers have some leverage now, don't throw it away on emotion.  you can't sell crow.

i agree with red about sales as a bigger financial issue with phony prices of people buying the big ones from each other to inflate prices.  this has been a much longer scam in my opinion.  i will give people a second chance, but will balance into the equation a little more protection in writing, reatained rights etc.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Have to say I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt - ONCE! Screw me or screw my friends then the slim-o-meter is up and running. What I have learned to say when someone asks about certain animal, breeder (often the term is used loosely), person etc

People have to learn to read between the lines!!!
Although it would be easier if you could just point the slime-o-meter on them and get a reading!!!
  (clapping) (clapping) (clapping)



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
knabe said:
though i agree with the sentiment, i wouldn't publish a list.  the list of carriers is enough in my book.  I would like to see a column of breeder, and all owners of them published with the list.  all i have to do is see who they are, talk with the owners etc and express my concerns if i am interested in their product.  economics is a great tool.  I would like to allow the propogators an opportunity to make it up.  granted, it's great to get revenge, but some of the people got caught up in the whole thing, and didn't do what everyone wanted them to do once in the headlights.  some may have not had a handle on how simple it was going to be inthe end to figure out who is who.  I view this as a HUGE reshuffling of the deck for new breeders and bloodlines.  and believe me, some, not all, will gladly sell an animal to the propogators, as they are good at it.  I would sell one of mine if they liked it.  Remember, the non-carriers have some leverage now, don't throw it away on emotion.  you can't sell crow.

i agree with red about sales as a bigger financial issue with phony prices of people buying the big ones from each other to inflate prices.  this has been a much longer scam in my opinion.  i will give people a second chance, but will balance into the equation a little more protection in writing, reatained rights etc.

I agree, I wasn't actually referring to PHA, more just the general crooks.  I may take a hit on this one, but I think there are not alot of folks out there that said, hey, this is a genetic defect, lets hide it.  I never had a PHA calf, but really wouldn't have paid much attention until there were a couple, after that I would of called my vet and I can honestly say, I don't think my vet would have had a clue.  When you have a dozen collected bulls listed as carriers and have a purebred herd, I think that should be a clue, but I think Joe Blow just didn't.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
You can't publish a list without running extreme risk of a lawsuit.  And honestly, there are lots of people out there who think they have been "screwed" who haven't.  You could find people who have bought from us that have been unhappy and I'll promise we did everything above board and honestly.  My all-time favorite is the guy who came to our place wanting to buy heifers, decided he wanted mature cows, and we gave in and sold him some.  Then he calls back six months later griping because we sold him an 8 year old cow with her year of birth - clearly branded on her hip at the time of purchase.  We've been on the receiving end of enough unjust griping to make me very cautious about "dishing it out". 

There are also lots of people out there that think just because they spend a lot of money they should be guaranteed to win - regardless of the amount of work they aren't willing to put into it.

I understand your intent and don't disagree with it, but in my opinion the better list to publish would be about who you do like doing business with.  You are generally better off staying positive and putting out positive information vs. negative. 

If you can't say something good, don't say anything.  And the silence can sometimes be deafening.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I have to agree w/ Chambero. The worst publicity is none. I'll talk good people/businesses up. I'll refer them to others. won't do the same for someone who treats me bad.
i've probably dealt w/ people in the past where something didn't work out the right way. It happens, but I'll sure try to fix it or make it right.
"do unto others as you would have them do unto you"



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Wow this topic came out of left field!  Did you have a bad morning Jill?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
It's the nature of business, always somebody looking for the easy way or quick buck which can lead to screwing over honest hardworking people.  Unforunately, it is everywhere, you need to really pay attention.



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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
chambero said:
You can't publish a list without running extreme risk of a lawsuit.  And honestly, there are lots of people out there who think they have been "screwed" who haven't.  You could find people who have bought from us that have been unhappy and I'll promise we did everything above board and honestly.  My all-time favorite is the guy who came to our place wanting to buy heifers, decided he wanted mature cows, and we gave in and sold him some.  Then he calls back six months later griping because we sold him an 8 year old cow with her year of birth - clearly branded on her hip at the time of purchase.  We've been on the receiving end of enough unjust griping to make me very cautious about "dishing it out". 

There are also lots of people out there that think just because they spend a lot of money they should be guaranteed to win - regardless of the amount of work they aren't willing to put into it.

I understand your intent and don't disagree with it, but in my opinion the better list to publish would be about who you do like doing business with.  You are generally better off staying positive and putting out positive information vs. negative. 

If you can't say something good, don't say anything.  And the silence can sometimes be deafening.

chambero - it has been a while but once again the silver tongued devil has struck -  yup you get the award again  for the following tidbit

I understand your intent and don't disagree with it, but in my opinion the better list to publish would be about who you do like doing business with.  You are generally better off staying positive and putting out positive information vs. negative. 

If you can't say something good, don't say anything.  And the silence can sometimes be deafening.

A Replica of the Multicolored Talking Beefpaca (batteries included) should be on its way to you! Good idea . think we need a new category - I do business with XYZ because......dl


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2007
Although in principal I do agree that if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all.  I also think that if you know someone is doing something UNETHICAL and/or DISHONEST you should not SUPPORT them in ANY form or fashion.  It goes back to the "you can dress a pig in ginham and call her Florence, but at the end of the day she is still a pig" (I'm paraphrasing here).  Call them like they are. 


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
justme said:
Wow this topic came out of left field!  Did you have a bad morning Jill?
No, not a bad morning, just responding to DL's slime-o-dex.  I think all of us have been there at one time or another it just seems a shame that everyone has to start from scratch and make all the same mistakes.  I do like the idea of a good folks list and put Bob and Colleen Majors at the top of the list!
Sorry, I didn't mean to come off nasty, just some thoughts.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Good, I'm glad all is OK! You're usually one of the more positive people, had us worried!
Collen & Bob seem like outstanding people!
Red (clapping)