Smokie bulls

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Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Ok, now for the exceptions in my herd....I have a few yellow and smokies in my herd. So am looking for a bull to breed them to.....breed angus and I get yellow smokes. Breed to red, I get strawberry blondes. Was thinking about Alias. What is his calving ease and history?  Any other ideas?
Also thought about a red bull. Any ideas there?
Don't want any cow killers (like my cows too much) and the bull must be clean pedigreed. No, my cows aren't carriers, but I don't want to produce them either!!!  :)
Appreciate everyones ideas!


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Show Heifer said:
Ok, now for the exceptions in my herd....I have a few yellow and smokies in my herd. So am looking for a bull to breed them to.....breed angus and I get yellow smokes. Breed to red, I get strawberry blondes. Was thinking about Alias. What is his calving ease and history?  Any other ideas?
Also thought about a red bull. Any ideas there?
Don't want any cow killers (like my cows too much) and the bull must be clean pedigreed. No, my cows aren't carriers, but I don't want to produce them either!!!  :)
Appreciate everyones ideas!

You will get a wide variety of colors when breeding a "mixed" herd. I love our "pink" calves but they might not be real manly for some. ::) we have some Char cows & a red & white bull. Also have gotten some peach colored calves over the years. Genes can probably have a field day explaining why you get the different colors! wouldn't it be fun if we could just order up the perfect blue roan or smokey calf when we breed our cows? :D Instead we get those weird color combinations!
Alias has some front leg issues from what I've seen. He is clean & has a BW of 82 pounds.



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Sorry...been busy.

Ok so the charolais kind of white is a sort of dilution, where the doubel dose gives the white charolais colours.  The single dose gives the "in between" colours - smoky/grey when black is diluted, tan/peach/etc when red is diluted.  Ok so your smoky and tan cows have a 50/50 chance of passing on the dilution every time that they breed.  Doesn't really matter how much Char blood they have as long as they have the colour (we have calves that are 7/8 and maybe 15/16 angus that are light grey).

So recalling that black is dominant to red, if you only wanted smokies and not tan calves, then make sure to breed the tan cows to black (or diluted a smoke).    If you go with another dilute, your odds become 25% solid coloured, 50% single dilute, 25% doubly diluted (char coloured).    If you just go with a solid colour, you get 50% solid coloured, 50% singly diluted.