Socialism vs capitalism?

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
With socialism being 1 and pure capitalism being 10.... where do you see yourselves sitting on the best system.I think socialism would be great if it worked...its sounds like such utopia. I think I would put myself at a 7.5-8 on the scale. What say you? <hero>


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
How do you think socialism would be great???  It wouldn't be any fun.  Capitalism is like the ultimate game. 


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
It would be great in the sense of no losers...also means no winners.  In a Utopia, EVERYONE is least no one is sad.  Capitalism is the way for me though!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Olson Family Shorthorns said:
It would be great in the sense of no losers...also means no winners.   In a Utopia, EVERYONE is least no one is sad.   Capitalism is the way for me though!

socialism is where EVERYONE is sad.

idealism is something we keep teaching our kids in school.  since perfection can never be attained, and socialism centers around idealism, the elimination of morals, religion, family etc (look it up, it's pretty easy) it inherently does not know how to deal with people like lenin, stalin, mao, pot, hitler etc.  the infatuation with socialism is troubling.  it's essentially and practically replaced religion in america.


i'm a 10.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
What if the U.S. government took complete controll of say gasoline production.Drilling refining,sales and everything.Or how about companies just U.S. owned electricity. Government owned windfarms? If Obama gets elected and we get national health care...I think would be a step off of a (10) perfect capitalization. What are your thoughts on labor unions? I think back in the old gold mining days unions had a place. They had such horrible working conditions and whatnot. How about today? I am less pro laber unions especially teachers unions. Are public schools socialism?(if there are no alternatives?) Is government ownership of mortgages a good thing? I have heard wallstreet journals are saying buying up properties at 20 cents on the dollar and resailing them at a latter date at 1 $ would makes money for the taxpayer. Just food for thought. Dad is a old FDR democrat(alot of farmers that survived the dirty 30's are). I guess I am kinda a ronald Reagan-Bill O'Reily republican. Do you think the representative republic we live in will survive another 200 years. If you look back on the history of the world not to many countries like the U.S. have survived over 400 years or so. What say you?


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17&#039; 11.73 N 81deg 35&#039;59.94&q
aj said:
With socialism being 1 and pure capitalism being 10.... where do you see yourselves sitting on the best system.I think socialism would be great if it worked...its sounds like such utopia. I think I would put myself at a 7.5-8 on the scale. What say you? <hero>
first..what is the difference in "pure capitilism" and  regular(?)  capatilism??.....second is there "pure socilization" vs...just plain  "regular"..socialism ????
as far as where  do we see our self sitting.....i advise us  all to first look up " democracy"....the defination in wikipedia or the mrlriam webster either one,... should be sufficent to point out a few things to consider..... i have always consider myself a flat better for me  .....if you have time to look up the definition of "democracy"  you'll see that socialism and capitilism are merely  idealistic  " tools" avaliable to use to "maintain"  a democracy....greed/dishonesty  and misuses of either one only keeps us "temporarly" on the higher side or lower side of 5....where do you all think we all are now ?........its not wether we " want' to live in a "socialistic" society or a "capitalistic" has come to the point that we have to decide if it has ran to one side or the other to the point that democracy is ready to be scraped,...i posed the question sometime ago as whether we all thought democracy had a shelf life.......if it does....then i beleive we are all there right we all  speak..... today............remember we have been going to wars for  many decades in all corners of the world fighting and dying for " democracy "...not capitilism  or socialism......countless sacrafices and amercian deaths have been given in past and present for "democracy"......ignoring its defination or purpose at this point , because of the fear of the "sacrafices" citizens would have to make  because of  the "tools"  needed to fix our a sad "thanks" our vetrans and deceased soliders of yesterday/ and present and families theyve left behind............we have always been/ and are still willing to make sacrafices and send our kids off to die so folks in other countries can "get"  to.... "5"......yet we sit here at home and see no need for anyone  to sacrafice anything as long as we can stay as close to 10 as we feel we personally deserve.........hats off to all those vetrans who served and there families that sacraficed as well....and those serving now and there families .........they die to spread and protect it all over the world  and we use it day to day to ensure our comfort and personal 5... i find it a better position as well for me  keep an eye on things like constitunial rights.... and the democratic condition of my surroundings, and my ability to " act"  on my "personal best behaf"......cant tell much  difference in a capatalist or a socialist in a fox hole ...with the same dirty  uniforms on ....  and the same  fearful toughts  in there minds....and both with the same hopes of seeing home matter if it was a red state or a blue state....some may understand this....some may not......history tell us that " as a nation".....through our entire history  as we have went through the  "2"  in the late 20's 30''    up to the    9  of the 70' where we are has always been our first goal to at least settle at 5 during the 70's  dorp......or to just get to were came out of the depression.......its a shame we have to watch tv and see just where were we are at " as a nation"... on the same 1 to 10 matter what they tell us this evening..... anything that comprimises our democracy or our constitunal rights puts this "nation"  in a dangerouse place........and as there tell us tonight the "economy" is in a "situation" that " this country has never seen before".....and possoble ask us to conder comproiseing some of our democracy and constutional rights.......then that puts us in a place that this" nation"..."has" been before....1861- thru 1865......they worried about socialism and capitalism  stuff "after "  the democray and  constatution  " stuff" was taken care of.....first things matter what they "expect" us to do after tonights revelations/ and the scheduled more to come.....and what they tell us our "responsibilities" will be ...and what "rewards" we will eventually recieve....anything outside of the constitiuinal boudries or a threat to our "democracy"  should not be taken lightly.......sorry so long....jbarl  (angel) <hero> (angel)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
is there a reason to protect buggy whip makers?  in socialism, yes.  in capitalism, no. 

every time we protect reallocation of labor, assets etc., in the name of whatever, we delay the true price adjustment. 

congress has become the trading pit to make reallocation slower for the largest number of pooled voters.  this is why we were set up as a republic, not a democracy.

how we as voters have allowed this to get to, is pitting essentially 50% against 50%, which essentially guarantees a maximum of subsidy to everyone, when we should be having as little as possible.

i understand the phrase "little as possibe" is in some respects, is a convenient way of lying.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
knabe said:
is there a reason to protect buggy whip makers?  in socialism, yes.  in capitalism, no. 

"Buggy whip makers" ......  Danny Devito used that one in his Gecko style speech in the movie Other People's Money... 


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
The U.S. is not a true democracy. We as citizens don't vote on each bill that goes through congress. We elect people that vote for us so we are a representative republic.There are various levels of say capitalism. Socialism as I define it is that the goverment owns all or is in charge of all production in the country. No land ownership for the citizen for example. There are fifferent levels of capitalism. Some countries have national helth care some don't. Russia used to have no private land they have some.Some countries give out fuel coupons so you can get fuel...others have fuel for sale by citizens. Some countries have people sneeking out of the country and others have people sneeking in. Pure capitalism would laber goverment regulations or oversight. No safety nets financially(welfare,student loan programs etc.).


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17&#039; 11.73 N 81deg 35&#039;59.94&q
aj said:
The U.S. is not a true democracy. We as citizens don't vote on each bill that goes through congress. We elect people that vote for us so we are a representative republic.There are various levels of say capitalism. Socialism as I define it is that the goverment owns all or is in charge of all production in the country. No land ownership for the citizen for example. There are fifferent levels of capitalism. Some countries have national helth care some don't. Russia used to have no private land they have some.Some countries give out fuel coupons so you can get fuel...others have fuel for sale by citizens. Some countries have people sneeking out of the country and others have people sneeking in. Pure capitalism would laber goverment regulations or oversight. No safety nets financially(welfare,student loan programs etc.).
thanks what levels.... of what "side" we need to use to cure our present/future  economic crisis, ....that seems to have all our elected officals and the whole diplomatic "machine"...."stumped" ? there a solution that gives both me and  big tex......a comfortable enough place  to co-exist  in peace in the same  "nation" ?....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said: what levels.... of what "side" we need to use to cure our present/future  economic crisis, ....that has all our elected officals and the whole diplomatic "machine"...."stumped" ?.....jbarl

the less real price resistance you have, the less economic crisis you have.  every time you slow it down or speed it up, all you do is store economic velocity.

you can pay me now, or you can pay me what you think is less later, but is actually more, as it is disruptive in the form of death.  in some respect, this may not be a bad thing, as stored up death causes war and is a correction for pyramid economics, ie socialism.  capitalism seems to be correct as you go socialism rather than correct every time a ruler dies.  the theory is that socialism doesn't need a leader, but there hasn't been one that hasn't had one.  eventually, human nature, nesting and grunting win out.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17&#039; 11.73 N 81deg 35&#039;59.94&q
actually i believe this is an historical election....the root of the cause ....could be "treasionos" in the eyes of  some of the "machine", on both sides.......hence do we get a " do over" without the penalties that are described for this "crime" of the nation ? ?..........this admistration has skirted that line ,...even, exectively crossed it.........twice...the last one with the " listening into our stuff"  rights they leveraged...and protected those coluded with the governement to do it.....gota keep an eye on em'  high school we used to cal it a sucker punch........the milita call it....a sneek attack.....either way always seems to  hurt twice as bad ......cause we didnt see it commin'......( made us mad , too) or blue...better watch your backs....or cash in all your green money ...before they try to change/ add  the color  ;)......jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i'm voting ron paul or bob barr.  the republican and democratic parties, which are really one party, called the subsidy party, must go.  i've never seen so many people with their hand out.  it used to just be the poor.  now, it seems there are more rich people with there hand out than there are poor.
