sore legged heifer update

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Well last wendsday she actually walked with a slight limp NORMAL. It was awsome!!  Then on thursday night I noticed something on her knee so I got her behind a gate. I examined her knee and found two holes in her knee. One on top and one under and draining puss. So off to the collage friday morning for a x-ray. Found no forien object and the infection is not in the joint so that was good news. Left the pair there for the weekend so they could open up the knee and drain it well and put the heifer on IV antibiotics. As of saturday she was sore on the leg and not using it much but doing fine. Will see in the morning if they get to come home. Now before you guys all say didnt you see the holes earlier remember I check this calf daily since she was 3 days old and two vets examined her at 7 days. None of us saw anything that would have lead us to believe she stuck it earlier. No dried blood, or messed up hair or the mom licking that spot more than others. I am still kicking myself that I did miss something.  Well let you know more tomorrow when I do.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
hey frostback - first a question then a comment!

did they tap the joint? how did they decide it wasn't in the joint?

If I had to guess I would say that the 2 holes were not there before and that they are the result of an internal infection (ie it was blood born to the leg vs introduced thru a puncture wound) and the pressure of the pus got so great that it basically needed to escape and the easiest way was thru the skin - this basically is the most common way calves get infection in or near the joints - often from a naval that doesn't feel infected (but is) or from pneumonia -  so don't beat yourself up - you did the right thing, you checked the calf, you called the vet, you were concerned and suspicious that something was wrong - sometimes we can't find these things until they announce themselves like a politician running for president - good luck with the heifer and keep us posted - DL


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
DL, I used xray but I think the procedure they said was a radiograph and they shot dye into the leg and could tell it was not in the joint. Hope that makes sense to you? They also ultra sounded the navel and it looked Okay. Ill let you know more tomorrow I hope when I talk to them and find out if they can come home.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Frostback- don't beat yourself up. The infection could have come on swiftly. From all indications, you watched over that calf very closley.
Let us know what happens!!!



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Well I brought the heifer home today. She has a splint that is all the way to her armpit and my favorite colours, purple and green. She is doing well but will have to keep the splint on for 3 more days and has 5 more days of shots. She has radial nerve paresis which they thinks may get better with time. Abscessation of the left carpus with cellulitis which they think is about healed. That was the puss I saw and what they cleaned up with surgery and the IV. Please keep your fingers crossed for this girl she still looks awesome but if she cant walk she is hamburger.