Yep, the caption pretty well says it all...I would really like to package together the entire spring calf crop. We have a big enough string of cattle put together for the state fairs and Kansas City that something is going to have to give. Afterall, there are only so many hours in the day. Among the calves are a pair of flushmates, one bull and one heifer by About Time out of a Witchdoctor female that has been really good to us. Also, there is a blaze faced Paddy O'Malley out of a K-Bar Witchdoctor X Meyer that is mighty nice. The majority of the calves are sired by a Direct Hit X Strictly Business son I bought from Wents. There are some really cool heifers and steer prospects both by him.
Feel free to email or call...
Kyle Barney
Barney Cattle Co
Watonga, OK
[email protected]
580 886 2342
Feel free to email or call...
Kyle Barney
Barney Cattle Co
Watonga, OK
[email protected]
580 886 2342