Stabilized Rice Bran Problem/Question

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Well-known member
Aug 18, 2007
Has anyone ever had any problems with bloating using Stabilized Rice Bran?  We have tried both the meal and pellets and a steer of ours keeps bloating - We give him baking soda, and it then bloat goes away.  It is the only thing that has changed with his feed.  Everything else is the same just added the Stablized Rice Bran.  Anyone else have any problems with this?  or possible solutions?  Thanks in advance.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2011
We didn't have a problem with bloat while using it, but it did make our steers sick and they went off of feed.  They would eat it for a few days and then get sick and wouldn't eat at all.  We weren't even giving them 8oz.  We tried this for many weeks, before we finally said the heck with it.  I know there are many people out there that use it with really good luck.  We have always figured that if they go off of feed because of a supplement it is more important that they eat their feed so ditch the supplement.  You could try putting a bloat block in their pen.  Good luck.