My son is small for his age, and started out really young, too, so sometimes keeping a lazy ones head up was a real chore for him. This seems to help for both standing still and holding the head up walking, but your calf needs to be pretty well broke and fairly calm before you try it. Tie a rope with a ring on the end to something overhead, but kinda out in the open - a sturdy tree limb, a brace over the top of a (open) gate, or set your fan cage up out in the open and secure it with a couple of t-posts. Run the calfs halter through the ring and tie it in a loose slip knot at the height you want the calf to hold it's head, then the kid needs to stand there and hold it, too. The idea is for the overhead rope to hold the weight of the calf's head, but since it's not up against a fence or something like that, the calf thinks the kid is holding it up. We usually set the calf up, but some of the time just let them stand, always with a hand on the lead rope, though. Do it at least 20 minutes at a time, at least once a day - preferably twice. We really started doing this to try to teach them to stand still for him, but have noticed that it sure makes them better about holding their heads up, too...