Stubborn steer won’t walk

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New member
Feb 26, 2020
I have a very tame and friendly steer who just won’t walk. I can get him to walk inside of his pen just fine and sometimes outside of the pen if he’s hungry and I have food. However, every time I try to take him out when he’s full or not interested in food, he rips the rope out of my hands and runs away or right back into his pen. He’s not scared of the area, and there’s no one else around to make him nervous when he does this. How do I get him to stop running away from me? He will tie just fine in and out of the pen and will stand for however long you want him to. I’m at a loss as to what to do especially since fair is in just over a month. Any advice on what to do?


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2019
We had one like that before... Wouldn't walk were he didn't want to!!

We took the water away and moved it pretty far away so he had to walk to it... In your case I would put It where he won't walk!
It may take him a little bit to realize that his water is gone, but it worked for us!!  ;D


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
have you tried closing the pen door after you go out?

is there a larger secondary pen, and, in conjunction with a longer rope you can just ignore the running and not even pull till he stops, then gather him up, etc?

i learned this in a large feedlot pen with a 30 foot lead and mud one foot deep.  i didn't worry about the running around.


New member
Feb 26, 2020
knabe said:
have you tried closing the pen door after you go out?

is there a larger secondary pen, and, in conjunction with a longer rope you can just ignore the running and not even pull till he stops, then gather him up, etc?

i learned this in a large feedlot pen with a 30 foot lead and mud one foot deep.  i didn't worry about the running around.

I’ve tried keeping it closed and open. He hardly gives me any problems inside the pens. We have a larger one that connects to his that he doesn’t have access to by himself. He’s a perfect angel in there! It’s just when I try to take him out into the open that he gives me a problem and just wants to run.
The only times he doesn’t run away from me is when I move his feed outside. He knows if he doesn’t walk nicely that I won’t let him go to eat. However this only works if he’s hungry, when he’s full he goes back to doing the same stuff.
It’s incredibly frustrating considering we were doing so well up until now!


New member
Feb 26, 2020
Wildmustang777 said:
We had one like that before... Wouldn't walk were he didn't want to!!

We took the water away and moved it pretty far away so he had to walk to it... In your case I would put It where he won't walk!
It may take him a little bit to realize that his water is gone, but it worked for us!!  ;D

I usually move his feed buckets outside of the pen whenever I try to walk him. He knows he won’t get any if he tries to be a turd and fight me, so he’s usually pretty good.

If he’s not hungry or full, he’s horrible and tries to run if we go outside of the pen. He isn’t like this inside the pens, even in the larger expanded one