Sun Country Shorthorn Bull Sale videos now up

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Sep 23, 2009
Bulls really look good. Thats a group of bulls
you ceretainly can be proud of. There should be something
in there for everyone, no matter what your looking for.  (clapping)


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
eastern ky
well, i only have time tonight to look at the ones i originally picked off of pics (31,39,8,58)....boy do i really like lot 31!!!!  he is tuff!  and #8 from what i could tell, he was in and out of there pretty fast, lol...really all 4 look better in the video than there pics...will try and check out the rest of them tomorrow night! 


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
Thanks everyone for the comments.  I think this is our deepest set of bulls yet, and I am already excited about next year, as we have a really great bunch coming on again. I am really glad to hear the catalogs are getting around. I am impressed with the US Postal service this year. The catalogs were mailed last Friday, late in the afternoon and the post office said they would not leave the post office until noon on Saturday. By Tuesday, I heard some people in Iowa had their catalog, and now I hear that 5 days after being mailed it is in Georgia. That ain't bad! Last year, we had some issues with some catalogs taking over 3 weeks to get around the US... which were mailed First class.  I can't complain with this years service. It is real hard to know who to send the catalog to, so if you want to receive a copy, send me a PM or email as I will be mailing some more in the US early next week.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
eastern ky
ok, i just watched lots 1-40...picked 5, 7, lot 19-wow!, and 29 - can you say hairball?

will watch the rest tomorrow...but i think my favorite is still going to end up being 31


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
eastern ky
when i was watching lot 19...i thought man, he looks alot like timeline....went back and looked at the catalog, sure enough...he's a timeline...its kinda scary how much he resembles his sire...


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
linnettejane said:
when i was watching lot 19...i thought man, he looks alot like timeline....went back and looked at the catalog, sure enough...he's a timeline...its kinda scary how much he resembles his sire...

I only had two Timeline calves last year... both ET full sibs. This bull and his full sister. It was amazing to watch these two calves all summer as they were never more than 50 feet apart in the pasture. They were always together. Sometimes I would drive into the pasture, and you would see them lying together with the rest of the cattle quite a ways down in the pasture. When I weaned them, they seemed to bawl for each other. The recip mom of the heifer calf was just across the fence from her, but she never even looked at her. She walked the pen and i am sure she was looking for her buddy.When I loaded my bull calves to take them to the bull test, I ran then into a pen next to the heifer pen where the loading chute is located. I backed my trailer up and went to load the bulls, and these two Timelines were standing together with just the pipe fence between them.... and some people think these are just dumb animals!

  These two calves were absolutely identical in color and the only difference was their sexes. Some visitors picked the heifer as being the best.... I could not decide. It was a very sad day in January, when I found the heifer calf on her back dead.She was the only calf I have lost since we put them to pasture in the spring. It seems to always be the good ones ... or maybe it is just that we remember the good ones that die!  The wind had blown some snow under a porosity fence and it formed a little hollow and she decided to lie down there and she got rolled over in the hollow and could not get her feet back under herself to get up. I have no idea why she decided to lie down there. Not 20 feet away was a bed piled deep with dry straw!