Those are the crossbreedingest shorthorn females in existance And as documented a group of cattle as any breed-thats Toby Jordans accomplishmemt JMO Makes them viable for alot of different progeny-Some of these could produce powerfull club calf oriented cattle that can function and that no one can find-Almost 30 years ago the IWF Magic et-al cattle from there were just one but very good example Along with the Sreamettes and the Shakedown lines If I had one of these females (maybe the First Kiss )Id piss everybody off and use the highest performing Shorthorn bull Ive ever seen-but hes not in the paper mill of epd cattle like the "grass fed quote un quote Byland cattle lol" I still love them I started with them-but I also observed self feeders everywhere there in 1990 when I looked around and snuck back through the woods to see the cattle -In his short life alot of different types were bred to Fresh Air -They come in the 80s NOT 65 POUND BWS but outperform the : biggest Mark 4 and hilltop x Enticer bulls ever SUCH AS -DEERTRAIL AWESOME DEERTRAIL SAGEBRUSH, T BONE MAD MAX .ENTICER RODEO ETC I was around and used -SAW all of them- Dale Allison -has several new Fresh Air calves such a maternal sister to his Hot Commodity Bull-There are 3 Pacer Performance dams behind the dam of the Homeplace Hot Commodity bull but Dale says all the calves have pretty amazing grow Out of my huge herd of two useful females here's an 88 pound Fresh Air heifer out of a very moderate female She is now approx 1 year old and will soon be as big as her mother Jim Compton puts her over 1000 pounds Her dam would be a real stretch at 1300 pounds She may not win many shows now but may when shes older-real late bloomer Gonna perform in the pasture and will wean the high end of pounds Due to a lost lease she sells Nov 8 on the Ladies of the fall Iowa in Iowa at Jim Comptons O0